White Lesbian Sues Sperm Bank After Giving Birth to Black Baby

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Serves her right but man do I feel sorry for this poor child. It's bad enough to be stuck with dysfunctional mother, father or whatever "it" happens to be in body, mind, and spirit.....but to later find out her "parent" wanted another color is really over the top.

Discuss....no race baiting please.

According to the Chicago Tribune, Jennifer Cramblett filed a lawsuit in Illinois’ Cook County Circuit Court alleging that Midwest Sperm Bank gave her, a white woman, the wrong sperm, mistaking a black donor for a white donor. She and her white girlfriend, Amanda Zinkon, had requested Caucasian sperm. Cramblett says she discovered the mistake when she and her partner requested another few vials of same donor sperm to have another child. Now Cramblett is suing the Sperm Bank for “wrongful birth and breach of warranty, citing the emotional and economic losses she has suffered.”

Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/...m-bank-giving-birth-black-baby/#ixzz3F0TSsi66

Maybe the bitches can get a refund LOL. :mrgreen:

Uncle Ben
Children are ornaments to these types. Emotional and economic loses? LOL, fucking bitch, I'd give her the money back in full for the sperm for simple breach of contract, and that's it.

She wanted a child and she got one. Sorry the paint color was off, deal with it.
Single parent homes fucking SUCK at raising kids. Period.

Examine school drop out rates and incarceration rates, and that FACT is proven true, time and again.

Gay "parents" can't be much better, though there isn't enough data yet to confirm or deny the suspicion.

Our society thinks "raising" a kid simply means keeping it fed, clothed, and sheltered, but the crime rate, graduation rate, and unwed pregnancy rate of individuals "raised" in a single parent environment proves that there's more needed to produce a good citizen than simply meeting their basic needs. They need a FAMILY. A REAL family, with a mother AND a father.

One parent just isn't enough, ESPECIALLY if it's a woman, to steer them straight through those teen years. IMO, two gay "parents" won't do it either.
Have any of you evil pricks seen these gals being interviewed? They clearly love that kid. I'd link it but I don't actually care that much.

Why are they bitches and why did they deserve it? If any of you were having trouble conceiving and you found out midway through a pregnancy you were going to have a child with any other ethnicity than the one intended, you'd be going out of your fucking minds. If they bought white sperm that's what they should have been given,

What sort of lab doesn't use a computer for this sort of thing anyway?

Also, RACIST, HOMOPHOBIA, PENIS, or as Wilksy calls it, typically lefty bullshit.

Have a lovely day gentlemen.

edit: Seriously though, how much must Ohio suck that you'd consider doing this to get the fuck out of there.
It should be an interesting lawsuit. How can the white lesbian prove a negative? It seems she must prove she didn't have sex with a black man, which will be hard to do.

It also seems she was very racially discriminating when she sought a sperm donor.
I like red roses, I don't like white. That is my choice and my right to choose.

Like I said, the kid will grow up in a dysfunctional family without the healthy support and boundaries only a normal female and male, the typical old timey couple can provide.

One thing in common with all male incarcerated criminals - they didn't have a dad or if they did the father was a loser.

It should be an interesting lawsuit. How can the white lesbian prove a negative? It seems she must prove she didn't have sex with a black man, which will be hard to do.

It also seems she was very racially discriminating when she sought a sperm donor.

The sperm bank has already said that the lesbian was injected with sperm from male #380 (black male) and definitely not male #330 (white male). The man hater chose to get knocked up with sperm from the white male #330. Political correctness tells us that this is an obvious case of racism. The sperm bank should call the ACLU and file a countersuit
The sperm bank has already said that the lesbian was injected with sperm from male #380 (black male) and definitely not male #330 (white male). The man hater chose to get knocked up with sperm from the white male #330. Political correctness tells us that this is an obvious case of racism. The sperm bank should call the ACLU and file a countersuit

Excuse me, but I'd like to return this sperm. Hang on a second, oh where did I put that receipt?
I like red roses, I don't like white. That is my choice and my right to choose.

Like I said, the kid will grow up in a dysfunctional family without the healthy support and boundaries only a normal female and male, the typical old timey couple can provide.

One thing in common with all male incarcerated criminals - they didn't have a dad or if they did the father was a loser.


God Damn
just when i thought you couldnt get more retarded

This is disgusting.
What happened to just want to share love and blah blah blah...

I may be out of the loop but i thought those were in style anyway
Single parent homes fucking SUCK at raising kids. Period.

Examine school drop out rates and incarceration rates, and that FACT is proven true, time and again.

Gay "parents" can't be much better, though there isn't enough data yet to confirm or deny the suspicion.

Our society thinks "raising" a kid simply means keeping it fed, clothed, and sheltered, but the crime rate, graduation rate, and unwed pregnancy rate of individuals "raised" in a single parent environment proves that there's more needed to produce a good citizen than simply meeting their basic needs. They need a FAMILY. A REAL family, with a mother AND a father.

One parent just isn't enough, ESPECIALLY if it's a woman, to steer them straight through those teen years. IMO, two gay "parents" won't do it either.

hard to decide what to address in this hideous abortion of a thread, but i thought i should inform the insufferably stupid (that would be you) that studies show that gay parents often make better parents than straight ones. you have to jump through a lot more hoops to adopt than to just fuck and pop out a rugrat.

glad i do not have a fro, these things look dangerous