White Paint Lowers Temperature?

I have a small growbox hidden under my bed about 1 and a half ft tall and about 2 foot wide.. Well anyway i am using 4 23 watt cfls and the sides are wrapped with aluminum foil(low cost) . I been been battling heat problems for a while( in the high 90s) but yesterday decided to paint the sides white instead of using foil. When i looked at the temp a couple hours later it is only 81... my question is.. Can white paint reduce the temps by that much? or is it something else?


Well-Known Member
Yes. White reflects and black absorbs. For example a white car sitting in the sun is on average 50 degrees cooler than a black car
Omg.. I feel dumb.. I never thought of it that way. (foil is made to hold in heat) thanks you guys. Now i can put more bulbs in :)