White people, particularly men:


Well-Known Member
my wife's dad's sister married a native hawaiian and had kids. that's how.

i can find one acre properties on the big island with more house than that for less than a quarter million.
Ouch, yes i should have mentioned its cheaper to live in the middle of nowhere with the natives.


Well-Known Member
I'm white and have worked for everything I have.
When I was young, and my job didn't pay enough I started my own thing.
I took the risks of not eating, having a roof over my head or cash in my pocket.

I invested in myself, it was tough and it still is, but I can now reap the benefits of my labour and not worry.

I recommend all to invest in themselves and be free of low wage slavery.
I also don't recommend borrowing from banks or cc companies and further enslaving yourselves.
can't afford something?
Save up and wait until you can buy with cash.

Doesn't matter what your skills are, someone else started something that employed you, if you have the knowledge or skills do it for yourself and cut out that horrible boss than do it!!
That's what they did so they could prosper, why don't you, your color or race is nothing but a hinge to an excuse for failure.

Race doesn't matter if you do good work.
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Well-Known Member
everything you posted was basically a heaping pile of bullshit, but this tops it all off nicely.

a black person and a white person can have the exact same resume, and guess who gets 50% more callbacks based on that exact same resume?

Guess who can take the risks to invest in themselves and prosper through hard work?

I never had a dime to my name and a brand new baby and a wife to support.

So tell us how it's bullshit while we live in a home mortgage free and was purchased on my 30th birthday paid in full?

Never had anything handed to me my entire life.

Do something for yourselves, invest in yourselves. You'd be amazed what you can do when you believe in yourself and strive for your success.

@UncleBuck tell me where I'm wrong and I will point out your personal failures ;)


Well-Known Member
everything you posted was basically a heaping pile of bullshit, but this tops it all off nicely.

a black person and a white person can have the exact same resume, and guess who gets 50% more callbacks based on that exact same resume?
The one with his pants pulled all the way up?


Well-Known Member
Guess who can take the risks to invest in themselves and prosper through hard work?

I never had a dime to my name and a brand new baby and a wife to support.

So tell us how it's bullshit while we live in a home mortgage free and was purchased on my 30th birthday paid in full?

Never had anything handed to me my entire life.

Do something for yourselves, invest in yourselves. You'd be amazed what you can do when you believe in yourself and strive for your success.

@UncleBuck tell me where I'm wrong and I will point out your personal failures ;)
nice meltdown, but it does not rebut even the simple fact i posted, much less any of the other facts i chose not to post about how race really does matter.

closing your eyes and plugging your ears to it will not change that fact either, clownshoes.


Well-Known Member
nice meltdown, but it does not rebut even the simple fact i posted, much less any of the other facts i chose not to post about how race really does matter.

closing your eyes and plugging your ears to it will not change that fact either, clownshoes.

No melt down.

Are you suggesting a black person or anyone other than white cannot do something for themselves?

Looks like you are. So what would that be? Racist?

I believe everyone can put themselves out there and be successful provided they take the risks to jump in, work hard and continue to do so.

So, if you don't believe it is possible either you're lacking self confidence or you think those you're defending are below the level of intellect needed to be a success.

I don't even think you are @UncleBuck , I even gave you an example before how you could earn more than min wage with a lawnmower and still have free time that you argued about.

Prove me wrong or prove your own short comings.


Well-Known Member
No melt down.
it was a melt down.

Are you suggesting a black person or anyone other than white cannot do something for themselves?
you're suggesting they are not even trying, otherwise they would have done it already.

you also said race has nothing to do with it. i showed you otherwise. you have not even attempted to rebut that.

I even gave you an example before how you could earn more than min wage with a lawnmower
oh, that was you?

yeah, you;re fucking retarded.


Well-Known Member
it was a melt down.

you're suggesting they are not even trying, otherwise they would have done it already.

you also said race has nothing to do with it. i showed you otherwise. you have not even attempted to rebut that.

oh, that was you?

yeah, you;re fucking retarded.

You came at me with unsupported accusations. Support yourself.

I once again gave an example that anyone can be successful if they take the risks, never said anything about a resume or people not trying hard enough.

I said no matter what skill, there is a market because someone hired even a dumbass like @UncleBuck to flip burgers or cut grass because he isn't smart or brave enough to open his own joint.

Take a risk buck and cut some grass, get off your ass and do something for yourself rather than hanging out on riu complaining about the man.

Don't have to "go get a job" you could create one for yourself, even if you're a dumbass.


Well-Known Member
Hey, @UncleBuck fyi I started a contracting company with a tool belt a hammer, ladder and a beat up Corsica.

And yeah, paid cash for my families home on my 30th birthday.

Get off your ass and quit complaining. Fuck your greeter job at Walmart and do something for yourself. Or keep being a loser who bitches and cries all day on RIU.

Plenty of facts for you to mull over.


Well-Known Member
nope. that was you when you said "race doesn't matter".

it does.

are you 14 years old?

If I was 14 it would only make you look even more pathetic.
I own a home outright and a corporation. All from nothing but a shit car, old ladder and a tool belt with a hammer.

Tell me more about what I or anyone else should do or their limitations all mighty one. Tell the masses so they can have the same levels of success as their dear @UncleBuck