White Rhino, Northern Lights

Well this is my second grow, i still consider myself an amateur, but a well informed one. lol. anyways these are my babies on the 30th day of vegetative growth. Should I be considering switching them to 12/12 yet? These two strains will take about 8 or 9 weeks to flower. I have them in 5 gallon buckets, with mushroom compost, mixed with organic miracle grow. No fertilizer has been given to them as of to date. They are about 2 1/2 feet from the 600 watt HPS light. I have a small fan circulating the air. So tell me what yall think? The shorter bushier ones are white rhino, the northern lights are taller. i have identified the northern lights as females now. not sure on the northern lights yet.


Well-Known Member
click the "go advanced" button...that will bring up your post box....scroll down and click on "manage attachments"...then you can upload...I can only upload 3 at a time max, due to pic size
i ended up having to get on my wifes computer to get the pics to load to the site. my computer must have a bug or something. so what yall think about my babies now????
I was wondering if anyone thought these plants are kinda big to only be 30 days old? i planted the seeds straight into the potting soil i chose, two days later they all sprouted. I have looked at alot of yalls pics and your plants seem to be kinda small. the buds are impressive though, can someone help me understand why?
Well i went ahead and switched them over to 12/12. I didn't wanna chance them getting way too big for my space i have available. I will be updating more pics in a few days. So what do yall think about my plants?
The others are starting to show there sex now, i am going to start mixing some molasses in with thier water. I read in this book i got that sugar added to the water for the last six weeks of flowering can increase bud yeild by up to 20%. Does anyone have expirence with this practice? I also noticed two of my plants have a slight Nitrogen defficantcy, i got some organic fertilizer from Nirvana. So i am going to mix up some nitrogen and start spraying the foliage.


Well-Known Member
those are looking really nice and healthy...they look to be an average size for 30 days...especially 30 days old...


Well-Known Member
Hey man I think they look great. No one wants to post on my grow either. I WOULD FLOWER THEM NOW!! those are some big plants and you can expect it to AT LEAST double in size during flowering. If you have access to some nutrients grab something SIMPLE that will help it flower fox farm tiger bloom is a good one. Best of luck, ask any questions you need too! I let my plants veg to long in my first grow and I cut them after 5 months cause they werent doing anything.
Well i just got back from vacation, i watered them very good before i left. It looks like the nitrogen i was giving them helped out some. When i got back i found that one of the white rhinos and one of the northern lights were males. So i just got done disponsing of the males. my northern light female has gotten so big i had to raise the light to keep from burning the top of the plant, but the white rhino is still very short compared to its closet buddy. so i put something underneath it to bring it closer to the light, as it grows i will lower it as needed. I think i will get some of the tiger bloom from fox farm. Thanks damnbigbudz for the input, i will check out your grow too. Also thanks to you again jonboy30. So here is the next question, with these healthy babies and some good nutes how much do you think i could yeild in dry weight? i know it is still pretty early to tell. everything i read says between 2/3 to a pound. but these estimates seem high? what do yall think? I will have some pics up soon. thanks again buddys and keep growing.


Well-Known Member
A good goal would be 2 ozs each. I am gonna have 8 plants go into flowering in a couple weeks and that is what I am hoping for. You should check out UNCLE BENS TOPPING TECHNIQUE i'll PM you the link. I have yet to try it but I will be doing the 4 cola method on 1 plant of each strain to see how it affects yield.

I wouldnt do it on your current grow though. Cause you want to give it veg time to recover from the cuts. NEXT TIME THOUGH


Active Member
Hey man looking good. sorry to hear about the males.
I'm growin some NLxShiva. Been veggin for about 7 1/2 weeks now. gonna switch to flower in the next few days.

Good luck bro
Well i just got back from vacation, i watered them very good before i left. It looks like the nitrogen i was giving them helped out some. When i got back i found that one of the white rhinos and one of the northern lights were males. So i just got done disponsing of the males. my northern light female has gotten so big i had to raise the light to keep from burning the top of the plant, but the white rhino is still very short compared to its closet buddy. so i put something underneath it to bring it closer to the light, as it grows i will lower it as needed. I think i will get some of the tiger bloom from fox farm. Thanks damnbigbudz for the input, i will check out your grow too. Also thanks to you again jonboy30. So here is the next question, with these healthy babies and some good nutes how much do you think i could yeild in dry weight? i know it is still pretty early to tell. everything i read says between 2/3 to a pound. but these estimates seem high? what do yall think? I will have some pics up soon. thanks again buddys and keep growing.

so far so good my man
the next step is cloning.. of all the females you have take cuttings and clone them.. ensure roots before you flower the mothers.

i'd reccomend an aero-cloner and come rooting hormone.

the key is being able to continue. if you clone the next crop can go straight to flower instead of waiting for entire veg cycle.

and yes, your plants look great. when you take clones do so from lower branches and be sure to cut right before an expansion node so the branch can recover after the cut.

also: don't start monkeying with all sorts of random additives. molasses, big bloom, etc... wait for those things until you have a solid handle on your plants wants and needs. you can take a plant from seed to flower with only soil, PH'd water, and 1/4th strength ferts.. adding more variables will cause you more problems
Sorry about the picture quality, that light is so bright in the small space i can't get a good close up of any of the pre-flowers. but trust me, these babies are all woman. lol. Thanks everyone for the helpful tips, i think i am going to try the topping method on my next grow. I am also in the process of setting up a dresser for a place to keep a mother plant under florecent lights, so i can take clones. I already have the cloning hormone, i just need a space seperate from where i am doing my flowering. i have been veging and flowering in the same closet, yeah it does take longer that way. I ordered some fox farms fertilizers, so i need to cut the dosage down to a 1/4 of whatever the bottle says? I think i am going to save the rest of the Northern Light seeds i have for an outside grow, they just get too tall in the closet. The White Rhino is perfect size for the closet though. although i think the WR 's growth was stunnted due to the Nitrogen defiecentcy. but i got that handled now. It really perked up with the nutes i gave it. I had to raise the light, cause the NL was about to touch the bulb. Then i had to prop the WR up with my file cabinet so it would be closer to the light. not going to make the mistake of growing to types that grow at different heights in the same closet again. lol. well hope these photos help some hope eveyone is doing well. later. and keep growing.