White Rhino PC Case Grow & More


Well-Known Member
Wow man keeping the rhino really paid off, is it possible to take some pics of the girls with a lighter or something next to them, i bet you could get some nice js off that rhino:-)


Well-Known Member
you can see the pink/purp hue in the last pic there.

good plant bro! I just got home from a day on the lake.. first time riding jet ski


Well-Known Member
OB Cron Kenobi: They are looking sooo tasty, I cant wait for them to be done.

coolman1a: Stupid me said I was going to plug in the battery but didnt, but I assure you it is charging now. I will try get them if the battery charges in time, with a lighter.

jordann9e: Thats pretty sweet, did you do any tricks, haha. Yeah it looks even darker up close, I wish I could show you.


Well-Known Member
I did one trick lol haha no.. I kept falling over... I went too fast for my sus and cousin.. I was goin 50mph and my cousin fell of , ripped hep nose piercing a bit and got a bloody nose lol... I felt SO bad!! she was cool with it. my uncle maxed it out at 79mpf... we had a sit down ski too, but they said I wasnt ready for it lol


Well-Known Member
God damn is that fast!

Well I hope you all dont mind, but I got a little picture happy, enjoy :D



Well-Known Member
wow, someday i am going to be asking you how to do a pc grow that good- wow! your clearly the man for pc grows!
Just let me know when and I will help you with anything you wanna know.

you are the pc grow king as far as im concerned i aint seen nothing like that ever you did stealth growers everywhere pourd

Thanks for the rep. I feel so accomplished with everyones great comments. Wish I was able to share the smoke at the end with everyone :(

I definitely wouldn't be nearly this far without jordann9e's help though. Helped me solve every problem I have faced.

Now I just need to built another case, get this other one I am working on finished and I can start mothering and cloning, :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
No problem man, I would give you more rep but I still need to spread some more, I dont understand, I have given so many other people rep and I still cant give you more, haha.

Anyways I watered the lovely lady clone with some nuted water, just tiger bloom and big bloom. The feeding chart says no more grow big.

Also busted out the new pH meter. It is awesome may I add, so easy! I wish I woulda ordered one sooner.

The water I am using is at a 7.0 ph, awesome!

Now that I put them away I forgot what the water was after nutes. I am pretty sure it was 5.8 It might had said 5.3 but I dont think so.

Anyways thats good for the rhino, I think it may be a little low for the clone. Gonna get some pH up unless someone else recommends I get something else.

Oh and somehow when I checked on them, the power cord was unplugged. I dunno what happened, but they were without light for 2 hours this morning. I really hope that doesnt ruin anything because they have come so far along to hermie >_<


Well-Known Member
You should be fine. when i was flowering i left the timer on for 4 extra hours twice. not the same thing, but you'll be good


Well-Known Member
Yeah. one computer tower. my homie got skills. hey joe, i am SO anxious about the warlock lol. which pheno did ya want? i want the pineapple one. and about it's tolerance build-up. on a scale from one to ten, it's a two. this one dude said he's had the same warlock cutting for two years. man, i can't wait to move out now.


Well-Known Member
So you are getting all that from one CPU Tower?

Very Nice!!!!
One medium sized case :) Imagine if I had some server cases to use...:o haha

Yeah. one computer tower. my homie got skills. hey joe, i am SO anxious about the warlock lol. which pheno did ya want? i want the pineapple one. and about it's tolerance build-up. on a scale from one to ten, it's a two. this one dude said he's had the same warlock cutting for two years. man, i can't wait to move out now.
Pineapple for sure. There was another one I think that said it tasted like a fruit stand, mango pineapple something. If thats the same thing as what you mean by pineapple then that, otherwise either one of those.

I remember reading that about the guy who used the same one for two years.... Shit how great is it that the tolerance build up is so slow. Ahhhh I cant wait to get my seeds and start it too. I know how you feel!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Joe, Im really glad both of our grows are paying off, I remember we started at the same time! Your shiz looks juicy!

We both fought long and hard, ups and down, now we can stay up.... and high :)


Well-Known Member
Haha so true will. Im glad they are going well. At least we will have that final product, mmmm

jordann9e, check this out someone said about warlock:

Overall Rating: 9
Effect: Somewhat headyPotency: 9
Stature: Somewhat short and squatYield: 7
Phenotype: Mixed, primarily IndicaEase: 7
Indoor: 50 to 55 daysAppearance: 9
Outdoor: Not ListedOdor Level: 10
Odor: Fresh grapefruit/peach, very sweet with spicy hintsTaste Level: 9
Taste: pungent, sweet, skunkyGrower's Tilt: 10
Sexes: Standard (M/F)SI Rating: Not Listed Vintage: Not Listed
Germinated 5 seeds, had 2 females, kept 1.
Fast growing, bushy plant with long branches.
The flowers are very dense and hard. Lots of trichomes.

Hashish made from this strain smells and tastes like black afghani.

It's (assumed) linage is
Mother: Skunk x (Skunk x Afghan) 1st gen.
Father: Skunk x (Skunk x Afghan) 3rd gen.

Likes a lot of (organic) nutes in flower.

The weed has a very intense smell so you better be careful carrying it around with you.

I seriously recommend this strain to anyone , that likes his/her weed FRUITY, potent and energizing. Very nice bud.

Truely deserves the name "The Incredible Dutch Aroma Wonder"!
and also this

This is great pot well worth the investment. Quick growing in veg. This is a very branchy strain unless you use the sativa pheno.
First pheno is the sativa pheno smells like bananas but very light banana taste slight stetch. not a keeper
second pheno skunk pheno 50/50 sativa indica good looking plant but has a skunky floral taste not a keeper
third pheno peach smelling 50/50 this is my keeper tastes like sweat tarts.
fourth indica pheno very short tastes like fruity menthol not a keeper.

There is very little change of buzz in the different phenos. It has a strong day time high. This as close to a sativa as you get under 3 feet at maturity under two foot on the indica pheno.

I would love to get the one that tastes like sweet tarts but really the only one I dont want to get is the skunky floral
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