White Widow and Big Bang grow


Well-Known Member
Didn't put one up mate. This was just ment to be a journo for the ww and bb. Shit I thot I put a group shot pic up! I'll try and do it now mate.


Well-Known Member
Yh mate big one is Exo, the one at the front in the pink bucket is the ww and behind the ww is the big bang. There's two angel blue seedlings in there too on 12/12fs. Also another Exo next to the big one, that's also on Day9. Class mate! Need to send that fairy oot again when she's big enough mate;)


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys there will bring no more piss/updates on this journal. I got raided by the cops and all plants and equipment confiscated! !!!:( I'm gutted I never got to see it through, but if ya do the crime and all that..... thanks riu for all your help/ advice, I learned a lot but it's time to hang up my green thumb on this growing malarkey. . Peace. CG :)


Well-Known Member
Nah mate Fuck that!! I'm outta the game for a while....or at least until I get another location.

@asmallvoice no idea how they found out mate. I wish I did know


Well-Known Member
Thats fuckin balls m8. Dnt let them stop u matey,drop me an email anytime am sure we can help a dude out ;-)