White Widow Grow Update


Active Member
So we are growing 3 white widow plants in a 75cm X 75cm X 160cm BudBox, with a 250watt Vegetating CFL Bulb with Reflective cover.

This is our first grow, so we were hoping to ask you fellow growers for advice and tips. At the moment they seem fine to us, we are watering around every 2/3 days depending on how dry the soil is. Temperature is around 72 F, and humidity is around 70-75.

Here are some pictures of the plants after around 2-3 weeks.

On one of the plants the leaves seem to curl up on the side, I was wondering if this is a problem?



Active Member
They look really healthy, and they're not stretching so it looks like you're getting good light :D

Curling can be a sign of many kinds of stress. Get your hands on the Medical Marijuana Grower's Bible by Jorge Cervantes. It has lots of illustrations to help you pinpoint problems quickly.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply!

We already have it! Amazing book and awesome to read when on the shitter haha

Thanks for the feedback, we moved the light up higher a few inches, in case it was getting too hot. Will update in a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
Just harvested and trimmed 3 of my WW's today. I grew them outside in an enclosed courtyard, nestled between shrubbery, not the ideal conditions. I also started them in MG potting soil, because it was all I had. They didn't get very tall, only about 2 feet but they were all bud. I got about 1/4lb wet off of all three, so I am satisfied. Just goes to show you that you don't necessarily have to have ideal conditions to grow your own smoke. I made "pot liqueur" out of the trim. I stuff it all in a jar, pour in Kalua and vodka and leave it for a few months. I also made butter from the popcorn buds. My perfect big buds are curing. Great day overall. I hope you have good luck. I have never grown indoors, but hope to try it sometime


Active Member
Its been 3 days since and Ive taken more photos in good quality.

They have grown quite a lot, but we still are not sure of the sex of the plants, and whether we should be able to tell by now?

Also the stress on one of the plants seems to have gone down a little, but we still aren't seeing it grow as much and as healthy as the other two, is this a problem?

Check out these pictures, any feedback and advice would be sweet.



Active Member
looks like your overwatering your babies....when the leaves curl like that their overwatered......as for the burn on the leave, nute burnt and check your ph.


Active Member
Its been a few days since I last posted any update, the plants have got a lot bigger now. I moved the light higher to get the plants to grow height wise and have since lowered it a little bit. Also the fan we use is too powerful for the plants so i turned it against the wall and now they seem to get the right amount of breeze.

Im not sure how long the fan should be on for and its not on a timer, but the temperature is around 30 degrees celciuse and humidity is between 70 & 80 so I don't see any reason to change anything.

Im watering around every 2/3 days depending on how dry the soil is, with a few mm of Biogrow mixed in with still water.

I think that the plants are all female as I cannot see any balls on the stems, its been almost 4 weeks into the grow now so should I be able to tell by now?

Also Ive noticed on the leaves at the bottom of the plant they are dropping a bit and turning slightly yellow, should I cut them off?

Also any advice you can give from these pictures would be awesome!



2010-06-18 19.01.31.jpg2010-06-25 18.05.48.jpgI am also in my first grow indoors. I am also growing White Widow. I would start giving a 1/2 dose of your veg nutes. I waited until i tranplanted mine into 4 gal pots b4 feeding. I am a Michigan Registered Medical Marijuana Patient and am so glad I'm finally legal! Used to grow outside, this is my first indoor flower. Mine are almost 7 weeks old and are thriving. I had leaf curl and what looked like nute burn. Im using foxfarms ocean forrest soil. I am on 12/12 light now for 1 1/2 weeks and still not definte on sex. Goto this site for pics. Peace

edit: The plant on the right is Himalayand gold, and the plant in the front is super silver haze. other 2 are the white widows.(right pic hps light):peace:


Active Member
We have only recently started to use the biogrow nutes, the plants seem healthy enough, do you think I should increase the dosage?

Also you say after 7 weeks you still cant tell the sex?

I thought you would be able to tell by now. We had leaf curl at the start (see earlier pics) but now they seem to have gone down after we moved the light higher and put the osciallting fan in there.


I dont know whats up with them taking so long to show their genitals! They have been fed with big bud and another flower inducer, but still nothing. Im hoping to see something this week! Ill keep my fingers crossed! Its only been 2 weeks since the timer change.
males show up faster than females so if you don't see balls by now youre good.... from the pics it looks like you might need to transplant to larger pots soon... good luck on the grow
Hey man, those are looking GREAT! By the way your using 250w of CFL? What are your temperatures at? If so what type of ventalation and cooling systems are you using?


Well-Known Member
Its been a few days since I last posted any update, the plants have got a lot bigger now. I moved the light higher to get the plants to grow height wise and have since lowered it a little bit. Also the fan we use is too powerful for the plants so i turned it against the wall and now they seem to get the right amount of breeze.

Im not sure how long the fan should be on for and its not on a timer, but the temperature is around 30 degrees celciuse and humidity is between 70 & 80 so I don't see any reason to change anything.

Im watering around every 2/3 days depending on how dry the soil is, with a few mm of Biogrow mixed in with still water.

I think that the plants are all female as I cannot see any balls on the stems, its been almost 4 weeks into the grow now so should I be able to tell by now?

Also Ive noticed on the leaves at the bottom of the plant they are dropping a bit and turning slightly yellow, should I cut them off?

Also any advice you can give from these pictures would be awesome!
The lower leaves turning yellow will fall of natuarlly. If you do cut it leave half the stem so infection or fungus has longer path to invade the main stem and will eventually fall off by itself without issue.