Whiteflies/Gnats... Treatment advice??


Active Member
I've read about them...now I've seen ONE... Should I Get NEEM OIL? or is there something else i can use. My babies are 2 1/2 weeks. Thanx


Well-Known Member
Neem oil works well. Watch your tolerances on upper level applications. Hit them aggressively for a couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
you treat the soil ,, not the plant for fungas gnats / white flies
there larve will eat your roots and your plant will turn yellow , seedlings and clones will die


Active Member
mosquito dunks worked for me in my res. took about 2 weeks to crush the gnats, white flies i dunno i think sticky traps.


Well-Known Member
put a fan in there keep moving air.... raise the humidity... get some insecticide if they are still in veg. use a vacuum to kill as many as you can... but be careful not to suck up your plants! they don't like blowjobs.

technical dan

Active Member
neem oil (do not spray on flowering plants), sticky sheets/ fly paper and solo cups with water dish soap and also a lil honey or cider vinegar (if you have it bugs love that shit) leave the cups in your grow room and the gnats will drown themselves for you. But the larva are still in your soil chomping on the plant's roots


Well-Known Member
the gnats are not the problem, it is the baby gnats eating your roots.

I use nematodes, mosquito crumbles in jar lids and duct tape or yellow fly paper.

Duct tape?

Stick it every where with the sticky side exposed as much as possible. It is cheaper than yellow fly paper and almost about as effective.
I have successfully used the same strategy with aphids, with a slight modification.

My yard/greenhouse has aphids and powdery mildew like nobody's business.


Active Member
i was thinking of getting neem oil and an insecticide spray. they are barely 3 weeks. roots are forming around pot i plan on re potting soon...