WHITEFLIES ugh. its that time of season for me


Well-Known Member
for those of you that don't know. a white fly is a bug that is extremely hard to get rid of with sprays and poisons. they reproduce very fast and go nuts when not caught quickly. they kill your plant by sucking it dry of nutrients the plant shrivels and browns if they're left undestroyed. theyre mainly an outdoor problem. when you shake your plant, many them should come flying off flying around until you leave and they'll settle again.

MY solution? STICKY YELLOW CARDBOARD FROM A NURSERY! it works great, but not a lot of people on here use it. its great for flowering because you dont have to spray your plants with chemicals, the bugs just get stuck to it... it works good for flying bugs, especially white flies, and i find a ton of other bug spies (unfortunately some cool ones too) ill get some pics up tonight.
the bugs are attracted to the color yellow, and its very sticky. avoid getting your plant stuck to it. lol the wind blew mine over when i first used this stuff, and i went out there and had a hell of a time getting it off.
bugs are screwed when they land on it. i have a hard time getting my finger off of it.

i found mine at the local nursery for 4.89, thats including tax. for 3 sheets. for outdoor use, i took a pvc pipe (you could use a wood post) as tall as the plant, stuck it in the ground, and zip tied the sheets to the top, i put one post on one side of the plant and one on the other, with a total of two yellow cardboards. (just for good measure) for indoors, use stoner ingenuity. (and "stoner" is underlined with red, suggesting you've misspelled it.. this is a pot website wtf!)
here's a website that has them http://www.iscatech.com/ecommerce/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2&zenid=90a9d7fe4e21ada17610dbe37a269d5b
like i said i got mine at a nursery.the hardware store, home depots, or other gardening centers may have them. good luck. :hump: