Whites are Superior



well, speaking of feces, and given the title of this thread, i thought this would be the best place for this.


i took the advice of @ChesusRice and googled "ginwilly racist" and turns out that rollitup is not even the top ranked place for ginwilly racism.

i clicked on the first result and was treated to ginwilly plainly stating that blacks are less intelligent than whites.

so much for his "geographic regions" euphemism, as if that should come as a surprise to anyone.

@abandonconflict will probably be interested in this as well.
well, speaking of feces, and given the title of this thread, i thought this would be the best place for this.


i took the advice of @ChesusRice and googled "ginwilly racist" and turns out that rollitup is not even the top ranked place for ginwilly racism.

i clicked on the first result and was treated to ginwilly plainly stating that blacks are less intelligent than whites.

so much for his "geographic regions" euphemism, as if that should come as a surprise to anyone.

@abandonconflict will probably be interested in this as well.

Maybe you can get AC or Cheesus to support you when you wife leaves and stops paying all your bills. You know it's just a matter of time if you are like this in real life.

And since the majority of your waking hours are spent here, this IS your life.

I feel for you man, you are going to be like that little bird pushed out of the nest that can't fly yet.
Maybe you can get AC or Cheesus to support you when you wife leaves and stops paying all your bills. You know it's just a matter of time if you are like this in real life.

And since the majority of your waking hours are spent here, this IS your life.

I feel for you man, you are going to be like that little bird pushed out of the nest that can't fly yet.

nice rebuttal to the discovery of your out and out racism.

are you still gonna deny that you are racist?
Your PC is at levels of insanity if you can't admit white people are smarter UB.
Rehashing the same shit for how many years now?

Whites aren't the smartest ones anyway. Nobody in those discussions ever claimed that. It's the idiots who want my argument to be that so they can say LOOK RACIST!!

And really? you guys do the PM game to come to threads for each other? How fucking old are you?
nice rebuttal to the discovery of your out and out racism.

are you still gonna deny that you are racist?
Why the hell should I? You are an insignificant little parasite that will change what I said, take quotes out of context, attribute quotes that others say to me if it fits your agenda.

I mean, we are discussing squatting vs sitting you come in like a bull in a china shop yelling RACIST!!

I won't deny anything at all that you want to call me. Racist, pedophile, wife beating drunk, thief, bottom gay rainbow warrior but hater, anti-semite. I am all of these things, now can you have a normal discussion and make normal points?

Here, put this in your signature

I Ginwilly, do solemnly swear, that whatever Buck says about me is absolutely true. It's actually even worse than what he claims.

Now, can you please move along you fucking OCD loser snitchbitch.
Why the hell should I? You are an insignificant little parasite that will change what I said, take quotes out of context, attribute quotes that others say to me if it fits your agenda.

I mean, we are discussing squatting vs sitting you come in like a bull in a china shop yelling RACIST!!

I won't deny anything at all that you want to call me. Racist, pedophile, wife beating drunk, thief, bottom gay rainbow warrior but hater, anti-semite. I am all of these things, now can you have a normal discussion and make normal points?

Here, put this in your signature

I Ginwilly, do solemnly swear, that whatever Buck says about me is absolutely true. It's actually even worse than what he claims.

Now, can you please move along you fucking OCD loser snitchbitch.

lol, ginwilly meltdown.
i don't think you realize that i am laughing my ass off at you.
Good for you man, laughter is the best medicine.

Seeing you so hateful and pissy all of the time makes me feel sad for you.

Glad I could help.

Why is my racist pedophile anti-semite birther truther ass not in your signature yet?
i get even more laughs when a fucking white supremacist of all people accuses anyone else of being hateful and pissy.

You left out a few things.

But really glad you could laugh still, I was beginning to worry about you. Somewhere in the last couple of months you have come across as truly miserable. And you know, since you are white, that matters to me.
How did this thread turn into taking a Bucky?
Weird huh? We are talking about squatting vs sitting and along comes the special one and once again, the thread dissolves into RACIST!!

I wonder how many people have been run off that tried to have an intelligent conversation and were hit with penis pics and THATS RACIST!! and just left.

He definitely brings down the property value here.
Weird huh? We are talking about squatting vs sitting and along comes the special one and once again, the thread dissolves into RACIST!!

I wonder how many people have been run off that tried to have an intelligent conversation and were hit with penis pics and THATS RACIST!! and just left.

He definitely brings down the property value here.

lol, a white supremacist who has never posted a single picture of a cannabis plant is saying i bring down the property value of a cannabis website.

who would have guessed in a thread titled "whites are superior", ginwilly's white supremacy beliefs would be exposed?