Who is still glad we didn't end up with McCain?


New Member
You speak assumptions as if they are truth...

Besides insurance companies are terrible. I know im not the only one here that has had serious medical issues and my HMO did not want to send me to a specialist. Then the specialist did not want to order the surgery!!?!?!?!? I swear these doctors are paid to only let a certain number of people get to a specialist.

After I have my surgery my doctor is like, " yea something is wrong in there, we took some stuff out. Not sure what exactly what is wrong tho.." wtf...

No pitty for the insurance companies....

Well the govt. has the plan to siphon the ppl away from the private sector. It's all a numbers game. It will seem advantageous to go for the govt. insurance..... in the beginning. By the time it is realized a canard was played the private sector will no longer be an option, except for the wealthy.

Is this news to you? Not to me....

what... huh?

Active Member
Well the govt. has the plan to siphon the ppl away from the private sector. It's all a numbers game. It will seem advantageous to go for the govt. insurance..... in the beginning. By the time it is realized a canard was played the private sector will no longer be an option, except for the wealthy.

Is this news to you? Not to me....
The argument for or against national healthcare really only seeks to distract from the implicit question...

How is that more socialist than buying the banks?


New Member
Well for one thing... COST!!! Banks MAKE money (sans govt. intervention, which brought about the financial calamity). A Govt. health plan will NEVER make money.

Neither are good. One is simply a bit worse than the other.


Well-Known Member
My god, what jobs will they have with peace? What employment does the rural muslim world going to have? Hopefully we will find out. With all that oil its not like they will agree to build solar panels. Also the healthcare of those who earned it, dissappear......screw 129,000,000 to help maybe 20,000,000. I hate to say it but i think this is really a plan to kill off people that are already sick and unissured. This will also hit the elderly hard, i hope not to see government crematorioms. I hope he not inspired of his buchanwald visit? Does he not admit that such crealty is in human nature. We are top preditors. we kill shit and more often than not it will be another person. Fucked up, legalize worldwide....new industry NOW!


Well-Known Member
If Govn't owns Healthcare, and a car company, that sounds like dependence....so the fireworks will now officially just be for fun on the forth of july!


Well-Known Member
Its against the law to shoot off fireworks in many cities.
Because we might hurt ourselves...

C'est la vie, no?

Of course the problem also is that there would be no recourse unless you could identify the guilty party, and if there were fireworks going off everywhere how could you figure that out with out doing a lot of expensive ballistics testing?

Perhaps in that one case (the fireworks) the ban against them is correct. I mean, can you see a crowd randomly launching fireworks at Time Square (which would be damn fun) but all that damage, some one would have to pay for it, and we all know that the government wouldn't, as it only exists primarily for its own benefit.


New Member
Well for one thing... COST!!! Banks MAKE money (sans govt. intervention, which brought about the financial calamity). A Govt. health plan will NEVER make money.

Neither are good. One is simply a bit worse than the other.
And that is the plan. Take profit out of medical. The two are oxymorons.


New Member
Because we might hurt ourselves...

C'est la vie, no?

Of course the problem also is that there would be no recourse unless you could identify the guilty party, and if there were fireworks going off everywhere how could you figure that out with out doing a lot of expensive ballistics testing?

Perhaps in that one case (the fireworks) the ban against them is correct. I mean, can you see a crowd randomly launching fireworks at Time Square (which would be damn fun) but all that damage, some one would have to pay for it, and we all know that the government wouldn't, as it only exists primarily for its own benefit.
Unregulated fireworks and idiots go hand in hand. Have you ever wondered how many houses were burned down before they regulated fireworks. Those little rockets and dried out shake roofs make for a great show, much better than the sum of their parts.

what... huh?

Active Member
Unregulated fireworks and idiots go hand in hand. Have you ever wondered how many houses were burned down before they regulated fireworks. Those little rockets and dried out shake roofs make for a great show, much better than the sum of their parts.
It is not the position of the government to protect me from me. It is your exact flaw in logic that led to our government prohibiting marijuanna.

You sir, known or unknown to yourself... Are the problem.

Ban motorcycles also. They are fun, er, I mean dangerous too. Ban risk. See how awesome we become as a society. No sir, I prefer a free society, no matter the cost.


Well-Known Member
Unregulated fireworks and idiots go hand in hand. Have you ever wondered how many houses were burned down before they regulated fireworks. Those little rockets and dried out shake roofs make for a great show, much better than the sum of their parts.
Well, I think the government should allow fireworks, and just pay for damages....



Active Member
I dont really give two shits about politics but obama seems like a douche...... alot of people really fell for his games..... from the outside lookin in i would say usa is in trouble over the next couple years. My only hope is that this dick makes weed leagal,,,,, that may be the only way to save the country financially from what he is doing.....


New Member
It is not the position of the government to protect me from me.
But it is the position of government to protect your neighbor (or their house in this matter), from you.

Just like many Americans agree that is IS the position of the government to make sure we can get affordable healthcare. The problem is that most Americans if they are working and healthy never see the free market insurance system. As long as you have an employer getting you the coverage (and group plans are priced a million times better than individual plans), you never see the fiasco.

My wife lost her jusb and the company shut down, NO COBRA FOLKS. It cost us 600 a month to insure here because she was pregnant. No lapse in coverages, nothing, but oh, you have a pre existing condition (pregnant), you have to get on our most expensive plan. Oh, and because your husband was in the hospital this year,were not even going to consider covering him.

Most people have no clue about how bad it is....


New Member
Health insurance was never intended to be carried by your employer. This was a WW2 measure because of job wage freezes enforced by the govt. The businesses used health insurance as a TEMPORARY perk to keep good employees. Now it is out of control.


New Member
I dont really give two shits about politics but obama seems like a douche...... alot of people really fell for his games..... from the outside lookin in i would say usa is in trouble over the next couple years. My only hope is that this dick makes weed leagal,,,,, that may be the only way to save the country financially from what he is doing.....
Whats that? trying to dig us out? He did not get us here, no arguement there. he is also doing what he can given his constraints to implement his policies, like it or not. Hes not screwing us, you just have a difference of opinion on his policies. No matter what we did because of this financial crisis, its gunna cost money. Because of this he gets the blame and his policies go against conservative thinking so there is more opposition, but I don't think its an issue of him not knowing what he is doing. I think it an issue of his ideas and policies being different and many people are going to be against that. To say again I don't totally agree with everything he is doing, but I am smart enough to realize his position.

Its kinda like arnold, the guy comes in with a heart of gold to chane things for the better. Now everyone says hes just another politicial because of the mess were in. More bull, both these guys are trying to do what is best and its easy to cast stones rater than say, this is what should be done. I wish that people that dissed Obama would give intelligent feedback on what they would do specifically and give some facts to back it up. I don't mind when someone says Obama is a douche because of x and we should be doing Y. But when people don't know much about the situation and say, this sucks, and they don't know why or what the alternatives are..


New Member
Health insurance was never intended to be carried by your employer. This was a WW2 measure because of job wage freezes enforced by the govt. The businesses used health insurance as a TEMPORARY perk to keep good employees. Now it is out of control.
I disagree, everyone needs healthcare. It has to be instituted somehow..


New Member
I purchase it privately.

It was instituted before WW2, but it wasn't linked to your job. the way it should be.


New Member
I purchase it privately.

It was instituted before WW2, but it wasn't linked to your job. the way it should be.
So you have had a health insurance policy since before WW2? Then your x military? So you have never had to deal with private health insuranse correct?