Well is there actual soil/dirt in the mix? Because as best I can tell per-lite and vermiculite have no nutritional value for your plant. They both serve more to keep the dirt/soil from staying soggy too long, and gives more room for air in the soil. To me it sounds like there is 0 dirt/soil and thus the little buggers have either starved, or are starving because there is nothing to eat/drink besides plain water. The lights are also too close apparently, rule of thumb of cfl bulbs is 1-2 inches
oh well if one is doing fine and the rest are crap, it might be that the light was so close it killed them? At 3cm distance it is probably heating them up to much, those bulbs don't get that hot, but like I said most people say 1-2 inches above with cfls (maybe even more for seedlings that tiny). Also: 60% and 60% = 120
lay off the weed man! haha
oh well if one is doing fine and the rest are crap, it might be that the light was so close it killed them? At 3cm distance it is probably heating them up to much, those bulbs don't get that hot, but like I said most people say 1-2 inches above with cfls (maybe even more for seedlings that tiny). Also: 60% and 60% = 120