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Well-Known Member
NL is a verry popular strain, any seed bank worth its name should have it in stock. i dont like to order seeds as im paranoid, but nirvana should do you well


thanks for the link mr. ganja :) i was thinking about adding an extra 600w hps/mh of these wich would add up to about 13000 lumen per square feet in a 4*2 space. almost as intense as camping. i don't want to overdo it though.


i've been growing for a good month and a half now. i started 4 plants indoors in a makeshift grow box. i realized after a week that the stem started to stretch out very long and skinny. and every time i watered it the stem would bend drastically, so i staked them up with some skewers and thread;it did the trick. but a week later i lost 2 of my plants, i dont know what happened to them, they were perfectly watered, but thats not what bugs me. im left with 2 plants, they do pretty good in my box but i still see that the stem isnt getting any thicker, even after 2 weeks! i then make the decission, i want to move them outside. so for a day i prepare for the move. i dig 2 holes on a well lit hill, hidden from any means of site, they have been there for roughly a week and a half. the stems are finally thickening, they must have not been receiving enough light in that damn box. i am still using the skewers because when i water them they still bend a little bit too much for my liking. one is at about 8 1/2 inches and the other is about 10 1/2 inches. the 8 1/2 incher isnt looking too well, i see some light brown blotched on some of the leaves but it is still growing pretty well. i am pround of my 10+ incher, the leaves are full and spreading well. all is going pretty good, they receive attending to by me every day, once a day.

are they caught up to where they should be at? when should i start to see the sex? when will they start to flower? if i am behind, is there anything i can do to speed up the process? how do i prepare for the veg state and the flowering state?

any advice will be helpful, thank you.





Well-Known Member
They are a month and a half you say??? They look a little bit behind, most likely from the light deprivation, well it's the beginning of the summer, and the days are growing longer, so you shouldn't start to see sex until about 2 weeks into fall, i don't think there is too much that you can do to speed it up, you should just let them do there thing, they will catch up eventually, are you using any nutes, if so, what kind??? I'll post a pic or 2 of my previous grow, they are about a month, I just wanna give you something to compare your babies to...picture 018.jpgMay 27, 2010 (Andrie & Demi).jpg


Active Member
I may of got ahead of myself here but i've allready put a hole in my chimney to fit 2 6 inch vents. the only thing i found to be exhausting into my chimney already was the hot water heater. do i have to worry about harmfull gasses from this? i plan to pull cool air from the basement and exhaust threw the top. anyone ever do anything like this??/


Active Member
dont have an oscilating fan, have an exhaust and getting an intake. do i still need the fan? and if so where can i get a small enough fan to fit in a 2ft x 1 1/2ft space?


thks kaleoXxX for that about the thrips.But how would i put the oil on??Do i mix it with water and spay on???or just rub the oil on??and i read that basil on top of the soil would work??and if i spayed it on would the ph level still need to be the some as what im feeding the plants and if it does would vinegar burn the leafs????sorry to ask so much.but i just read what you said.help i am scared becuz i love them.


Well-Known Member
ok some guy just told me antibactirial hand wash would work if i watered it down to get rid of the powdery mildrew,,any ideas anyone,,thanks


Ok, this is a really stupid question, but im unsure of the answer. After germinating seeds in paper towels, then planting them. Do you use lights 24/7 until they sprout? Then i was planning on using the dutch method of 12/12 once sprouted.

Is that ok or... completely wrong? Thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is a really stupid question, but im unsure of the answer. After germinating seeds in paper towels, then planting them. Do you use lights 24/7 until they sprout? Then i was planning on using the dutch method of 12/12 once sprouted.

Is that ok or... completely wrong? Thanks for your time
i just germinate them and then put them in soil,within a day my seedlings are threw,,and yes i put them in my tent with my other plants before it comes threw but i dont think it maters either way man

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
dont have an oscilating fan, have an exhaust and getting an intake. do i still need the fan? and if so where can i get a small enough fan to fit in a 2ft x 1 1/2ft space?
Walmart like $3


That is a 2 x 2 area. i switched this fan out for 2 clip ons:

DSCF2403 looking in.jpg

*Edit I don't know your set up, but there are few circumstances where you would need an intake fan.
Alrighty then! This is my first grow, and it's indoors. I have 3 large plants and 10 smaller ones put into flower 12 days ago. I have a 1000w hps covering 8x8 area. I waited too long to flower the 3 large plants and they are huge. I am running out of room but I have no more space and no more light. Inside the plant below the canopy, many leaves are starting to dry up and die. Is this the normal process of the plant using the leaves for food, or is it a problem from lack of light? I have been pulling out the dead leaves as they happen, but do I really need to? I can't buy more light right now, and all these plants are different heights, so I just have the light centered as best I can and I rotate and move the plants around to get them all more light. Future grows will be more uniform in size, but I need to maximize this situation as best I can. I'm a real space freak and I hate shoving the plants next to each other, but I have to crowd them in together to make it work. Training the plants to lay down will make the problem worse as horizontal space is the problem. Any good advice is appreciated.

Also, I am watering the large plants (in dirt) with about a half gallon per day FloraNova bloom. Leaves seem to be curling down in many places Too much water?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
This is my first grow, and it's indoors. I have 3 large plants and 10 smaller ones put into flower 12 days ago. I have a 1000w hps covering 8x8 area.
I'm a real picture freak, learn to be one too.

I know it does not help but control your plants don't let them control you. (good kid advice too).

This plant is 75 days old, not sure what I am going to do with it but it has taught me alot about container size, it was in a solo cup for 40 days and now in this 5 1/2" for 35 days:



Active Member
low Ryder auto

post to be Small, hardy, autoflowering strain, small yields lol she is a lot bigger dose any one know how much more biger will she get she is 25 days old from seed and 30 cm o to lst her more help please
Hey, sorry posted in another part a day or two ago, but I do not think my questions were clear or got lost in all the info. Needless to say could just the stress stunt my plants growth this bad? Pics and lots of detail in original post. Or is the full sun of the far south possibly stunting them? They have been outdoors since day one.
