who smoked first? (high)


Well-Known Member
So who was the first person to be walking along, minding his own business, when all of a sudden he sees a plant growing in front of him, one that hes never seen before

the flowers on this plant are unlike any other flower hes ever seen, they smell weird... almost acrid, but in a way they smell VERY VERY GOOD.

now this man sits down and thinks... what can i do with these flowers... there so magical looking and awe inspiring that there must be some medicine of some sort in there!

I KNOW i will set it on fire and inhale its fumes and see if i feel any better...

(or maybe he made a sort of tea out of it)

i also would like to know who saw a baby cow getting milk from her mom and said "I WANT SOME MOVE OUTTA OF THE WAY BABY CALF" and then proceeded to drink a strange white substance out of a cows udder it was probably a goat now that i think of it


Well-Known Member
the first guy to use the marijuana plant was... a very smart dude! lol

and about the cow... i have no idea, a lonely farmer?


Well-Known Member
Natives probably tossed a 12 foot tall monster on the bonfire and then woke up the next morning like "maaaaan...the fuck was that?!"


Well-Known Member
^^^^ lmfao at the 12 foot moster thing haha it was prolyl someone from present day afganistan, cause thats where theres a huge abundance of wild pot plants,


Well-Known Member
lmao i know humans make milk.......

but were the only mammals that will drink milk from another species on a regular basis