WhoDat Sticky Trap


Well-Known Member
That clears it up alot. On to studying the best timing for a pseudo-prepetual system then =P

Thanks guys!


Love me those brinks timers too, Yep, like 5-6 bucks at my w.w. best bang for your buck. Boy , it's almost like big companies know what we want.


Well-Known Member
So whodat I might be planning a change to a vert system. Prolly won't happen at this house, but the wife has been working more on the idea of going west, and I know I'll have to change my style to get legal.


Well-Known Member
Woot. Let me know the hook up plan with Jig man. I live maybe 1.5hr w from Jtree on the 10fwy... Maybe Ill be able to tag along w him.


Well-Known Member
I wanna join the W. coast fun!


[h=1]No California Pot Legalization in 2014, Signs Indicate[/h]Posted on February 12, 2014 at 12:02 pm by David Downs in Politics

California marijuana legalization efforts look set to fail yet again in 2014 (Photo by David Downs)

All signs point to “no” for recreational marijuana legalization making the 2014 California ballot, Ireport for the East Bay Express today.
“There are just 66 days left to turn in the 800,000 signatures necessary for a legalization petition to qualify for the November 4 ballot, and collecting those signatures requires several million dollars that no group has been willing to commit this year.”
Petitioners were out in force Saturday and Sunday in San Bernardino at the High Times Los Angeles Medical Cannabis Cup. But unless someone shows up in the next few weeks with $10 million to gamble on the Golden State, those efforts will have been futile.
“The four groups proposing pot legalization in 2014 woefully lag behind deadlines suggested by the state for ensuring a successful initiative. The groups are also at each other’s throats over the dirty details of full legalization. This infighting, coupled with California’s soft 56 percent support for ending the weed war, appears to be scaring away big donors needed to legalize marijuana this fall.”


Well-Known Member
They dont need to be, but I can understand your concern about that. I wish it was federally legal, that would make life more enjoyable for me.


Well-Known Member
subbed! depends how you want to clone them. different cloning techniques take longer/shorter and some strains can take longer to root. my DIY easy cloner will show roots 4-7 days
4-7 days WTF?!@!

I'm like 14 - 20 days in my homemade cloner. I have gotten roots as fast as 8 - 10 days in rockwool.

How the F did you get 4 days? Is there a secret?


Well-Known Member
looks like someone is watching your work whodat........

Niburu (super pumped to get some of that greasy HP/G13 Deadly G goin)

or maybe the name is just a cawinkidink


Well-Known Member
me to he needs to come out my way one day. yea not a lot here ether who siting on my ass is about it so far. got to get moving in a min. specking of moving i will be moving in a month or so working on some more space and a landlord i dont have to support. i can add two lights not having to pay his light bill any more


Well-Known Member
There are many places I should go! We'll all get together one day.

J, the internet does exist almost everywhere lol I'm away from the grow but not the net! Thought I wouldn't bother keeping up with riu (new reality show soon to come) but who was I kidding I can't stay away from you all :-)


Well-Known Member
I feel the same way. As much as I want to disconnect from the internet, I can't disconnect from all my friends. :) Have fun out there bro.