who's familiar with Botanicare?


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I'm wondering who else out there uses Botanicare's nutrients? Specifically, I'm wondering if anyone has tried their "Triflex" or "Power Series" lines, and how they compare to the Pure Blend Pro. Also, if anyone has tried their supplements "Cal Mag" or "Hydroplex"?

For quite a while I've been using Pure Blend Pro Grow/Bloom, along with Liquid Karma and Sweet. I've had no complaints at all, although lately I've just been feeling maybe it's time to try a new recipe.

All applies greatly appreciated.

Have a great day, everyone!

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
If youve hit on something thats working you should not change.That combo your useing works good for several people I know.Im like you I try to fix shit when its not broken.I change nutes too often and Im trying to stay put...peace


Well-Known Member
I hear ya. I like to geek out on things, so I tend to over tinker.

I guess I was just wondering if anyone who had tried multiple botanicare lines had noticed that one was markedly better than the others. Although, now that I read closer I'm realizing that the pure blend is the only organic line, and that is important to me.

Next grow I think I will add some Cal-Mag and see how that affects things.


Well-Known Member
I got a sample of Hydroplex bloom food and burned one of my plants ..... I'm glaad I only tried it on a crash dummie....I cut the mix down to 1/4 strength and it's doing great. I'm new at this stuff and just trying to learn what I can from experience....


Well-Known Member
I use Botanicare Pro Blend Grow & Bloom, along with CalMag & LK, and my ph & ppm are very stable.

It's so stable with my H20, I have no need in thinking about any other nutes.
