Whos playin mcd's monopoly?


Well-Known Member
Upate i need.pennslvania ave.,boardwalk,vetnor ave,baltic ave tennessee ave,shortline rail rd.we split the prize $.


Well-Known Member
No sorry man I dont go within 100 feet of a MCD's!!! They are killing us Americans!!!!! DNA test on one patty came up with over 1000 different cows!!!!! I'm not being mean but goddamn people why do you wanna be fat?????


New Member
the game pieces are not all distributed in same regions so unless u can do some traveling or swapping on line u cant win


Well-Known Member
you know.. this is actually a great idea.

this thread is!

I mean.. if I partnered up with someone who had the other winning piece that I need?? I would def. split the winnings with that person.

Here's the ones I got so far..

North Carolina Avenue ($50,000.00)!!!
#768 - I need someone with #767, #768, and #769.

Think about it ppl!! If I could just find three other people.. with those other three N.C. Ave. Ticket numbers.. ALL 4 of us would win! $12,500.00 for each one of us. It's that easy! But.. the problem is going to be finding someone with those three ticket numbers. I'm sure there's someone around here that has them though.

Here's the others that I currently have:
St. James Place ($1,000) #758
(need ticket numbers #758, 759, and 760)

Atlantic Avenue ($25,000) #764
(need ticket numbers 764, 765, and 766)

If anyone is willing to partner up.. or if I have the ticket you need.. or you have the ticket(s) that I need.. hit me up!!! I have absolutely no problem with splitting the winnings. It's money that I didn't have.. and probably money you didn't have!

Let me know!



Well-Known Member
You'll only need to eat 476,991 Big Macs in order to expect to win $500 whopping dollars in prize money.

Congratulations! On your road to glory you:
Ingested 257,575,140 calories.
Consumed 13,832,739 grams of fat.
Inhaled 496,070,640 milligrams of sodium.
Took in 21,464,595 grams of carbohydrates.
Packed on 73,592.90 pounds.
You spent $1,779,176.43 trying to win a $500 prize.



Well-Known Member
Eating Mcdonalds is worse than starting a thread that has nothing to do with the category it's posted in.


Well-Known Member
Still need boardwalk,shortline railroad,kentucky ave.,pennsylvania ave.,states ave.,tennessee ave.vetnor ave.mediterranean ave.


Well-Known Member
i havent won shit and my arteries are ready to explode. i dont know why everyone is dissing mcdonalds, me and my wife like to get naked and slather each other up with big mac sauce, nuggets, hot mustard, fry grease, big and tasty's and have tantric sex like manatees.


New Member
you know.. this is actually a great idea.

this thread is!

I mean.. if I partnered up with someone who had the other winning piece that I need?? I would def. split the winnings with that person.

Here's the ones I got so far..

North Carolina Avenue ($50,000.00)!!!
#768 - I need someone with #767, #768, and #769.

Think about it ppl!! If I could just find three other people.. with those other three N.C. Ave. Ticket numbers.. ALL 4 of us would win! $12,500.00 for each one of us. It's that easy! But.. the problem is going to be finding someone with those three ticket numbers. I'm sure there's someone around here that has them though.

Here's the others that I currently have:
St. James Place ($1,000) #758
(need ticket numbers #758, 759, and 760)

Atlantic Avenue ($25,000) #764
(need ticket numbers 764, 765, and 766)

If anyone is willing to partner up.. or if I have the ticket you need.. or you have the ticket(s) that I need.. hit me up!!! I have absolutely no problem with splitting the winnings. It's money that I didn't have.. and probably money you didn't have!

Let me know!

yo ive #755 #764 #768 #772 ill mail u em if u want man