Whulkamania's "Dinafem Industrial" CFL PC Case Grow

I grew auto flowers and only auto flowering. So I'm unsure with the whole light scheduale thing. I understand 12/12 means flowering but how do I switch from 18/6 to 12/12? Like when the lights go on is that when I start 12/12?

I would say when your last day of 18/6 ends, give it 12hrs dark that night and start from there :D
Update! She is doing great she will be 4 weeks tomorrow, I'm going to start flowering tomorrow as well. Also there is some yellowing of the leaves (The first set of leaves) there is a picture of it, I'm not worrying about it but thought I would show.
With the whole switching to 12/12 from 18/6 what do I do? Do I give her 12 of darkness instead of 6? How do I switch over?
yeh you do 12 on and 12 hours off. just set up your timer so that whatever time they go off they come back on 12 hours later. so lets say hypothetically for your 18/6 schedule u have them come on at 1 in the afternoon once the lights turn off 18 hours later at 7 in the morning ull want to set ur timer to come back on at 7 o'clock a night instead of 1 in the afternoon you know what i mean?
I just switched her to 12/12, she goes off at Midnight and on at Noon, so give it about a week till the sex shows?
Bro your straight. No worries on your girl she will do just fine. You have very few yellow sun leaves. The shoots still look like they are going healthy. Just keep on keepin on and you will be just fine. STAY HIGH!!!
Hey I saw on another thread you were looking for help with your MG burn. Just wanted to make sure you are not adding any nutes when you water. The only mg I have used is the moisture control and it has been great for me thus far as long as I don't add anyting to it. Hope this is helpful
Well I know MG isn't "Preferred amongst most Cannabis growers" but it was all I could get my hands on. Also another thing she is shooting our pistils but are actually amber? Not white? Just a little weird. But I'm not giving her any nutes only straight water
Yea my closest hydro shop is an hour away so I had to find something from home depot. I got some rockwoll online for cuttings and I got starter soil and perlite for my first transplant so I can add nutes slowly and then into the MG they go till the end
I don't think theres anything wrong with the MG, grab the organic potting mix, and add a little extra perlite and your good to go. Its not going to burn your plants anymore than FFoF would, just dont be stupid n add lots of nutes then blame it on the soil when they get burned like most people do.

I got one of these Indy Plants for a freebie on my last Attitude order, i've been saving it for when i get a veg box so i can mother it and take clones.
Can't wait to see how your's comes along. Looks like your getting ready to flower, good luck to ya sir!
Thanks for checking out my thread man! and I'm nervous cause everybody is saying don't be but the thing is I'm not seeing good results. I'm seeing brown leaves that are crumbling and I feel like the nutes are hitting every set of leaves very slowly. I would hate to of spent a month into this for it just to be a waste of time. However I must say she is just vegging and I can smell her when I open the case.
Look at it this way, if you are going to be a partaker of bud, and want to grow your own..then the education your giving yourself is no waste of time. Yes there are some people who've had problem free first grows, but they did'nt get to learn what to do when problems arise. Just let her keep on doing her thing and don't think of it as a waste of time just a learning experience. Im growing 2 NL autos right now, and ive had one thats just had issues from day 1, and the other has been going hard since is sprouted, im personally glad one has had alot of issues because i've learned to recognize what the signs are and how to handle them, and from what i find most of the time, doing nothing is the best medicine. Cannabis is a very hardy plant and wants to survive and thrive just like we do. Just keep positive and even if you don't get the mother load off this one, you'll get better grows down the road if you keep to it