Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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You said that we brought it upon ourselves as racist. Also dude im sorry you dont believe racism is a problem in many races. I just like arguing with you because you opinion is so hollow and smacks of brainwashing. One time i picked up a mexican dude and his chick who where booking from four gangbangers because of them being mexican.. Like i said just because you never fucking experienced something doesnt mean shit to me . Some communities do have gang problems and like i said its not skinhead gangs where i live buddy. Im whining but you spend all month in the liberal threads...
You said that we brought it upon ourselves as racist.

well, if she shares half the beliefs you do...

Also dude im sorry you dont believe racism is a problem in many races. I just like arguing with you because you opinion is so hollow and smacks of brainwashing. One time i picked up a mexican dude and his chick who where booking from four gangbangers because of them being mexican.. Like i said just because you never fucking experienced something doesnt mean shit to me . Some communities do have gang problems and like i said its not skinhead gangs where i live buddy. Im whining but you spend all month in the liberal threads...

have i been brainwashed by the zionist public education system?
I never siad i was white pride i said being proud of your culture is part of being free and alive except for white people are supposed to feel bad if they are. Go back to msnbc sheep shit.

sounds pretty white pride to me, sistah.

We are all not mutts .... I just wish once all these anti racist people would speak out when they see minorites being racist. Ive had an aunts head bashed in wih a rock for being white ive been jumped and spit on for being white ... Seen many friends and family experience the same thing for being white... I guess thats why i get so mad when people only look to talk shit on white pride. Nothing wrong with loving your european ancestors and being happy with being white. Its ok to understand why most races date amongst eachother ... But whites are raised to believe its wrong if you want to keep our people going. Liberal fucktards
There was nothing about racism in there . Like i said if you could elaborate on why white pride is scary and bad but its really just a love for your ancestors and culture. Every race seems to be able to find pride in their heritage and we celebrate them with holidays and in schools... But god forbid a white child or family be proud of thier family or heritage. Its mainly white people that self hate like you do and have no understanding of tribal ancestory in Europe. So to be interested in that makes you hitler ?! Your a sheep ! Bah bah ... Its like your siggy has passed out more hate speech than i have ever spoke in life. In your sheeptard logic your making sense with the word fag in your siggy... That will show bigots! Sheeple lub u unkie bucky!
There was nothing about racism in there . Like i said if you could elaborate on why white pride is scary and bad but its really just a love for your ancestors and culture.

there's nothing wrong with white pride per se, but to be proud of your arbitrary skin color over which you had no control? that's just kinda stupid.

there would be no negative connotation with "white pride" if the crowd that reveled in it hadn't gone around lynching folks and claiming superiority and all the rest of the ugliness that's associated with the term.

you guys did it to yourselves.

Every race seems to be able to find pride in their heritage and we celebrate them with holidays and in schools... But god forbid a white child or family be proud of thier family or heritage.

in this country, we have things like black history month not because we think one race is superior to another, but rather to overcome the history of persecution that some have endured in this nation of ours.

*Its mainly white people that self hate like you do and have no understanding of tribal ancestory in Europe.

wait, so you're totally not "white pride" but you have this obsession with celebrating your european ancestry?

sounds contradictory to me.

*Your a sheep ! Bah bah ...


the "zionist public education system" has failed you.
You almost shit a point out of that dicksucker. . . I see nothing wrong with a black kid learning about his ancestors nor should a white child be ashamed. And if we are to be shamed about americas past before my ancestors even came to america im fucking sorry no way in hell is thier a reason some white kid should take the weight of history on his back . Every race has times in thier history that are bad but i guess my family owned slaves even before they got to America in the thirties and was piss poor...? Thats your public schooling kicking in. You have no valid point pride has nothing to do with hate. Why their are political threads on a bud site beats me . Liberals dont have a leg to stand on with thier shallow hollow views. Its pretty funny. You can think skin color is dumb . But once again you wouldnt say that to a blackpanthers face i bet.
You almost shit a point out of that dicksucker. . . I see nothing wrong with a black kid learning about his ancestors nor should a white child be ashamed. And if we are to be shamed about americas past before my ancestors even came to america im fucking sorry no way in hell is thier a reason some white kid should take the weight of history on his back . Every race has times in thier history that are bad but i guess my family owned slaves even before they got to America in the thirties and was piss poor...? Thats your public schooling kicking in. You have no valid point pride has nothing to do with hate. Why their are political threads on a bud site beats me . Liberals dont have a leg to stand on with thier shallow hollow views. Its pretty funny. You can think skin color is dumb . But once again you wouldnt say that to a blackpanthers face i bet.

you keep on saying that whites are made to feel ashamed and feel bad about being white.

that has never been my experience as a white person, and i haven't met any other white people in my life who felt that way either.

where is this ridiculous sentiment you keep repeating even coming from?
Ask Reginald Denny if blacks beat up whites for no reason. Minorities attack whites all of the time in racially motivated crimes. If you do not believe that, just call the FBI on MOnday and ask them. Every time there is a big case like King, or Zimmerman (who isn't even white), blacks will find whites to attack. Racist attacks go in all directions, and anyone who doesn't believe that isn't in reality. Seems non believers have some subconscious racism to deal with. More recently (and these stories only get national coverage because they are directly related another national story)http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jul/28/trayvon-martin-3-black-men-beat-rob-white-man-dc/"This is for Trayvon Martin.” That’s what one of three black men told a white man as they approached him early Saturday in Washington before committing what police are saying may be a hate crime, according to Metropolitan Police Officer Anthony Clay. The men kicked the man, who was not identified, as they took his iPhone and wallet, the officer said Sunday, according to CNN. The victim suffered minor injuries and refused medical treatment. There have been no arrests, but police are investigating the incident as a hate crime, the officer said. “There is no pattern in these types of crimes. These attacks are outrageous; we are doing everything in our power to see that they certainly don’t occur. If they do occur, we are going to aggressively investigate them and bring people to justice,” Metropolitan Police Department spokesman Araz Alali said. The attack happened two weeks after George Zimmerman was acquitted of the second-degree murder in the death of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla. The verdict sparked nationwide protests by people who believe Mr. Zimmerman targeted the teen because he was black. © Copyright 2013 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permissionRead more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...lack-men-beat-rob-white-man-dc/#ixzz2aysmwnZV http://expertsatwork.wordpress.com/...gger-in-retaliation-for-zimmerman-acquittal/3 Black Men Kidnap And Beat White Mississippi Jogger In Retaliation For Zimmerman Acquittal Posted on July 16, 2013 by E@W
...police are investigating the incident as a hate crime, the officer said....

but but but...the white pride people keep telling me that hate crimes are bad and only ever used against white people.

mind = blown.

just kidding, of course hate crimes occur in both directions. that's why they protected race, not one race or another, but any race.
Thank you dude ! When the killing first happened over seven whites where attacked in revenge . Almost none made the news. what to you mean whites arent made to be ashamed ? I really believed my family owned slaves and that all white people did later on i found out my family wasnt even here. Further more thats like saying everywhite American back then was a rich land owner who could afford to buy humans... Our history as its portrayed is a recipe for hate. You dont get it thats fine. I bet there is a reason your ass doesnt cruise around compton or watts looking for friends . But race wouldnt be the issue as long as you got your rose colored shades on ... Sheep cant argue or justify beliefs they are just learned in school or from family and will never question what they think and anyone who doesnt agree is hitler and a nazi ... I know ive heard it all before
what to you mean whites arent made to be ashamed ?

i mean that i have never been made to feel ashamed about being white, nor has anyone i have ever known.

I really believed my family owned slaves and that all white people did later on i found out my family wasnt even here.

oh, i see the problem. you're dumb.

you just proved the point of this thread.

Our history as its portrayed is a recipe for hate.

well, that's kinda what happens when you genocide one race and enslave another.

You dont get it thats fine. I bet there is a reason your ass doesnt cruise around compton or watts looking for friends .

the reason is because i don't live in that part of LA or have family there, moron.
I could post countless videos of whites being robbed beat and killed from minorites but thats not my agenda to smear other races . I just lose it when whites refuse to believe we too are victims of hate and so much of that blame rests with the media picking and choosing its stories. And the bullshit public school teaches kids its amazing things arent worse in big cities. Yeah calling me dumb for believing my school teachers as a child... More sheep shit. Your fucking dumb as shit dude thats why you cant make a valid point.
I could post countless videos of whites being robbed beat and killed from minorites but thats not my agenda to smear other races . I just lose it when whites refuse to believe we too are victims of hate and so much of that blame rests with the media picking and choosing its stories. And the bullshit public school teaches kids its amazing things arent worse in big cities. Yeah calling me dumb for believing my school teachers as a child... More sheep shit. Your fucking dumb as shit dude thats why you cant make a valid point.

you mean those "zionist" public schools?


your teachers told you your family owned slaves and you believed them without question? yeah, you're dumb alright.

where exactly did you go to school and hear that?
Also blaming whites for genocide and slavery... Turks killed off millions of armenians so by your standard turkish children should take no pride in thier blood or history.... Or even today arab tribes enslave and sale blacks in africa... So all arabs should be shamed by your sheeptard logic. Tribal wars from indians to romans always resulted in slaves .. So indians are bad... Or romans shit that means all italians are bad and have no valid reason for pride or heritage. Bong moded ! Yeah as for believing my teachers in school was how i was raised as a child and tried to do good in school too ... Yeah thats dumb . Anyone who grew up in america can vouch for the way they mislead kids about slavery.
Hey Buck.
Did you have something to do with this bullshit?

People living in Seattle can no longer enjoy a brown bag lunch after city bureaucrats banned the term from official use for being racist.

A memo sent out from the Office of Civil Rights also banned the word 'citizen', claiming it could lead to people feeling excluded in the multi-cultural city.


is seattle in portland, smarty?
Also blaming whites for genocide and slavery...

so you're saying whites in america never genocided the natives or enslaved blacks?

Turks killed of millions of armenians so by your standard turkish children should take no pride in thier blood or history.... Or even today arab tribes enslave and sale blacks in africa... So all arabs should be shamed by your sheeptard logic. Tribal wars from indians to romans always resulted in slaves .. So indians are bad... Or romans shit that means all italians are bad and have no valid reason for pride or heritage. Bong moded !

maybe it's just a stupid idea to be proud of your arbitrary skin color since it's...wait for it...arbitrary.

try being proud of your accomplishments instead. that is, if you have any worth being proud over.
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