why are the leaves on the top canoeing and curling down, please help


Active Member
I have this plant , it is mostly indica. the plant has been growing great, started budding it 3 weeks ago and in the last few days the very top set or two of leaves are canoeing and the tips are curling under it is grown in ffof and fed every other watering, right by there chart any help would be appreciated thanks + rep for good answers


Well-Known Member
ive had this problem...i think it comes from fluxuating ph...the roots can only uptake certain nutes at different ph levels...thats why it kind of seems like it happens fast...and it seems like more then one deficiency at once.try flushing the plant the get the soil back to neutral then start feeding again..make sure to check your ph before every watering


Well-Known Member
nitrogen overdosing looks like that, how much is in your nutes, they don't need any now that the stretch is over.


Well-Known Member
nitrogen overdosing looks like that, how much is in your nutes, they don't need any now that the stretch is over.
i thought that at first also..but each time it has happened it was on a plant that was getting only bloom nute without any N in the mix...and it always happened after it was dry and needing water..not right after a feeding...that why i figured it was a ph and uptake issue
sorry disagree

usually common from over watering and or this is where it gets tricky, could b from air is to dry...
need to add humidity....they will curl and canoe to conserve moisture...

if u have put too much nitrogen u would of got nute burn and yellow burnt tips of the leaves

im just going of me... were all different