Why did Obama win the Noble Peace Prize?


Well-Known Member
Someone please explain this to me cause I dont have a fucking clue what he did to get this.


Well-Known Member
Crazy, huh?

The world's fucked up, yet people still believe what they hear from the top law makers. :?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I have to say I'm a bit confused myself. I thought if someone got the Nobel Peace Prize while waging a war, it would cause a tear in the space-time continuum.
Wait!It did!:lol:




Well-Known Member
That's what they hand you after you sell out your country to marxism, and make a world tour apologizing for every core principle America stands for. Oh, and all within his first 2 weeks of office. Lol! The word ridiculous doesn't even come close to explaining this one. What is does say is, popularity rules above actual merit. Fools, all of em!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It did seem a little premature to award Obama the Nobel so short into his Presidency. I'm not an Obama fan, but I believe anyone that were President and had received the Nobel when he did would have been gifted rather than earned.

Given Obama's continuation of the Bush war policies it seems a bit ridiculous now doesn't it?

War is Peace. Welcome to the brave new world.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's because he is helping the elite bring in the NWO? I admit I don't have a clue why they would give a warmonger the peace prize ... the fix is in?:fire:


Well-Known Member
I believe it was a conspiracy so righties could bitch about one more thing that was out of Obamas control.


Well-Known Member
He himself said he doesn't deserve it and doesn't understand, that there are many others who deserve this more.

I don't get it either and I'm not a hater. It clearly makes absolutely no sense at all. He still hasn't even closed guantanamo, let alone the wars, or done anything to ease any suffering anywhere.

The only explanation I can imagine was the hope he brings to the rest of the world because many rest their hopes in his hands like he's a god even outside this country but hope is not actions or deeds, and doesn't deserve any recognition until you actually do something.

Lame lame lame


Well-Known Member
Obama won the Nobel peace prize because he won the election being black...

50 years ago black and white people couldn't drink out of the same water fountain in the USA...

it was about breaking barriers and shit... i don't think he deserved it.... there's people that have spent 30-40+ years as political prisoners in different places of the world (including the US) that deserve this more than him....

oh well.....


Well-Known Member
Obama won the Nobel peace prize because he won the election being black...

50 years ago black and white people couldn't drink out of the same water fountain in the USA...

it was about breaking barriers and shit... i don't think he deserved it.... there's people that have spent 30-40+ years as political prisoners in different places of the world (including the US) that deserve this more than him....

oh well.....
give one black a prize,and not the restlol....so unfare for the black man,once again....lol....oh wait they do have CASH FOR GOLD.......lol


Well-Known Member
well he did make it all the way up to the presidency.... and yes, it is unfair... that's the kind of pull Harvard has... there is no way the first black president, being a Harvard graduate, was not gonna win that award... no f-ing way....


Well-Known Member
I just hope that he can do what he can to actually deserve being awarded it.But by the look of things its not gonna happen anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
isnt it great when a pres that sends more troops to war and to kill. not that i have a problem with the war in afghanistan. but its fucking rediculous that he could get the nobel PEACE award. while my brothers are fucking dying out there right now.