why do my eyes water when i trip?


Well-Known Member
So the other day my fun guy comes over and we trade some herbs for some shrooms. After eating my 1/8 my eyes just start watering like mad. Not a few tears but like my chin is just dripping. For hrs tell i came down this went on. Good trip not like i was scard or having bad trip or anything like that. Well thinking it may be a fluke i call up my other buddy so i get differant stuff and all. Well again after eating his shroom filled chocolates my eyes just turn on and wont stop for hours. This is really kind of a buzz kill when trying to watch something cause every thing blurry threw my 20/20 vision. Wtf? Happen to anyone eles? Makes me not want to shroom again its so bad.


Well-Known Member
happened to me once out of the few I had in high school I don't mess with those anymore though


Well-Known Member
Did you feel a sort of underlying depression that wasn't out there but just a thought in the back of your mind? If not it may be the pupil dilation caused by psychedelics could have dried out your eyes. Try adding some visine or rhoto eye drops and see if that helps next time. If that doesn't work try eating the mushrooms plain dry and not in chocolate I don't know how but maybe the mushrooms cause a slight lactose intolerant reaction or you possible your allergic to mushrooms or psilocybin (if that's possible?). Also if you were laughing the entire time you can cry from that, I've cried loads of times from just unstoppable laughter on mushrooms...