why do people smoke? (cigs)


It sucks. I smoke and I wish I didn't. I just have a fixation to smoking, and I can't smoke herb right now. When I could smoke, I didn't touch cigs or even think about it.

I plan on quitting soon though, it's really unnecessary.


i dont smoke cigs , i dont see the point in it

it dont get you high or even give you a buzz

its like people smoke just for the act of smoking

idk maybe im wrong maybe it does give people some type of euphoria feeling ??????????????????????????

Oh it gives you a buzz alright. When I first started smoking pot I'd have a wonderful Newport after we'd blaze, gave me the biggest headrush. Then it just becomes a necessity and you smoke to feel normal


because they want to...anyone who says their addicted is just weak minded. people smoke because they choose to

Ok I'll try to be polite, but that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. People who have trouble quitting bud are weak minded, since they developed a mental addiction, without a physical one. But to say that everyone who smokes still does so simply because they choose to is ludicrous. A physical dependency, especially one as controlling as nicotine (for reasons ranging from chemical additives to cultural standings), is not an easy thing to overcome. It's clear you've never actually experienced an addiction to cigarettes, and any claims otherwise are blatant lies, or you were so weak minded that you really believed you were at one point.

My apologies if I sound like a dick, but that was a really ignorant comment to make.


Active Member
because they want to...anyone who says their addicted is just weak minded. people smoke because they choose to
thats your opinion....and saying it like its a fact is funny, can you prove that? i ive seen people who are very strong willed and very strong minded that started getting into meth and once they realized it was taking over they're life they tryed to quit as hard as they could but they're body and mind was addicted. im not saying cigarettes are as addictive as meth but alot of things are addicting. do you have a hobby that you do everyday or somthing that you do everyday? thats an addiction.


Active Member
a lot of people do it when their in high school to look cool..then they get hooked. some people do it to relax, but they should just use bud for that.


Well-Known Member
People smoke them for attention... whether it being people seeing them smoking and asking for a cig and starting a conversation, or them telling people they're quitting every 3 weeks for some gratitude.

And it makes you rad cool! Cool enough that no one wants to stand near you.

It's cancer cool. ;)


New Member
I am kind of old (around 30, not gonna give my real age on here)..anyway smoked ciggs since I was about 12....although I have quit many times from 3 months to a year at a time it is kind of like I don't know any different, It is something I enjoy and nicotine is a part of my life..sometimes I switch to other nicotine sources because its terrible to have withdraws and I use gum/patch/ecig/snus whatever when I cant actually smoke (long plane ride or something).....

IDK I smoke because I enjoy it, every time I quit I just go back because I miss it, it helps my anxiety.

The thing about quitting nicotine..the first 4 or 5 days are the hardest...after that the first 6 months I would say is the next step...After I really don't want nicotine that bad at all...but even after a year its still there on occasions and many people who quit cigs say that the psychological craving NEVER goes away for people who have smoked since childhood, I have been witness to people relapsing after 5/10/15/20 years of no nicotine, one person I know quit for 20 years and one day he just said 'fuck it I am sick of wanting a ciggarette' and lit up..so that is why I never totally quit...I give up after a year or so pretty much and decide I am going to have an occasional cigar or something and we all know what that turns in to..

Anyway its not like I dont try to quit because I do quite frequently actually for health reasons but I don't think I will ever be truly ..Done for good. The reality that it is never over, once a nicotine addict always one is what makes most people start up again because after years it is still there (the psychological addiction), the physical addiction goes away after only a few weeks, that is why you get those "x-smokers" that quit 10 or 20 years ago that hate smoking so much and are known as 'ciggarette nazis' amongst smokers..Truth is they are basically pissed off as hell they can't have a smoke again haha


Active Member
Smokers stink, their teeth rot and fall out of their mouth, their skin changes color, it makes your skin wrinkle prematurely. I know those anti-pot commercials say one joint has as much cancer causing tar as 6 cigarettes, but I don't sit there and chain smoke joints. I'm not saying people shouldn't be allowed to smoke, it's your choice, but when you come sit down next me to somewhere, and I scoot a few feet away so I don't have to smell your reek don't get pissed off at me. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be all high and mighty...well, maybe high...I smoked in high school to look cool, but past that point I just didn't understand the purpose. Best of luck to anyone trying to quit. It can only improve your quality of life. :)

[Oh and for the person who said they'd rather be in a room full of smokers than a room full of smelly fat people. You are an ignorant fool. Weight does not affect hygiene. In fact, the worst smelling person I've ever encountered was (shocker!) a cigarette smoker. And even if the fat guy next to you can't put down his hamburger his habit does not have any negative impact on your health, so chill on the porkers. Oh and yes, if you haven't guessed, I am fat...and I smell fucking amazing! ;) ]


Well-Known Member
weight affects your hygiene when you cant wipe yr arse right . and a lot of fat people do stink. i wouldnt say im an ingnorant fool, i just dont dig smelly fatties . cupcake.


Active Member
weight affects your hygiene when you cant wipe yr arse right . and a lot of fat people do stink. i wouldnt say im an ingnorant fool, i just dont dig smelly fatties . cupcake.
fat people smells cause they sweat more, not cause they can't wipe their asses LOL


Well-Known Member
Ok first off I didnt make this to rag on you guys that do smoke I dont have a problem with people that do, I just want to try and understand why you guys do it?
I mean you start knowing its bad for you, it literally does nothing good for you at all and is a waste of money. If someone offered you to take a pill that slowly kills you everyday, would you take it? Smoking is essentially the same thing..
Alright I'm not completely ignorant, I understand that if your raised in a smoking family it would pretty hard not too, or hang out with only people that smoke etc, but aside from those guys, why? again I got no problem with smokers, just wondering. Anyways back to the ghanja! Peace :joint:
i wonder the same thing. evryone in my family smokes and all of my friends do but ive still never had the urge to smoke a cigarette im fine with good old maryjane lol

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Well i started when i was 16 working at the grocery store, at first cigs gave me a gnarly head rush, pretty similar to being high. I would go out smoke on my break, get a hard buzz then within 10 minutes i would be sober and good to go back to work... Def one of the worse decisions ive ever made


Active Member
Well i started when i was 16 working at the grocery store, at first cigs gave me a gnarly head rush, pretty similar to being high. I would go out smoke on my break, get a hard buzz then within 10 minutes i would be sober and good to go back to work... Def one of the worse decisions ive ever made
i did the same thing when i was younger, but ive only smoked about 15 cigarettes in my entire life, and i have an addictive personality. i guess the weed kept me off of them!

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
I usually smoke a fatass cigar when one of my team's win. And when im drunk I'll smoke a cigar but other then that I have no interest in smoking nicotine