Why I am no longer a Republican ...


New Member
Here's a good article on John McCain. Its also indicative of where the NeoCons have led the party:


From the article:

“Here’s a candidate who calls himself `conservative,’ but who spends much of his time channeling bully-boy Teddy R while bashing corporations, extolling `patriotism’ over `profits,’ assaulting the First Amendment (McCain-Feingold), pushing hardcore environmentalism (no oil drilling in Alaska; imposing cap-and-trade restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions; touting the horrors of `global warming’), voting against major tax cuts, demanding individual self-sacrifice on behalf of the great and unifying causes of The State – and calling us `my friends’ while he picks our pockets and directs our lives.”


Well-Known Member
Here's a good article on John McCain. Its also indicative of where the NeoCons have led the party:


From the article:

“Here’s a candidate who calls himself `conservative,’ but who spends much of his time channeling bully-boy Teddy R while bashing corporations, extolling `patriotism’ over `profits,’ assaulting the First Amendment (McCain-Feingold), pushing hardcore environmentalism (no oil drilling in Alaska; imposing cap-and-trade restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions; touting the horrors of `global warming’), voting against major tax cuts, demanding individual self-sacrifice on behalf of the great and unifying causes of The State – and calling us `my friends’ while he picks our pockets and directs our lives.”

Who in the world, aside from China, doesn't support a cap and trade model on said emissions? It's favored by every mainstream, market-economy loving economist, conservative or liberal. I guess you support unlimited emissions? How else would you allocate ownership over the right to emit any amount (a ton for instance)?


Well-Known Member
I left the party a long time ago. 1992 was the last time I voted in a Republican Primary, or any Primary election for that matter.

The betrayal of the 1994 Contract With America was the last straw.


New Member
I left the party a long time ago. 1992 was the last time I voted in a Republican Primary, or any Primary election for that matter.

The betrayal of the 1994 Contract With America was the last straw.[/quote]

The last for many of us Johnny. :hump:



Well-Known Member
I figured this would be an essay in Vi's own words instead of him posting an article....

Vi could you articulate in your own words?


New Member
I figured this would be an essay in Vi's own words instead of him posting an article....

Vi could you articulate in your own words?
If you have a problem with the article, YOU articulate those problems in YOUR own words, Dank.

Most of what I post here is in my own words, What's yer problem, guy?

And by the way, Dank, the reason I DO post entire articles written by others is to get the dialoge going on a particular subject. Now again ... your input on the article, please. Thanks ...



Well-Known Member
If you have a problem with the article, YOU articulate those problems in YOUR own words, Dank.

Most of what I post here is in my own words, What's yer problem, guy?

And by the way, Dank, the reason I DO post entire articles written by others is to get the dialoge going on a particular subject. Now again ... your input on the article, please. Thanks ...

Really I didn't know your name was David N. Mayer.

I expected to see you do an essay stating in your own words why your no longer a republican. What I was doing was challenging you. But I see that you are not up to it.

My problem.... Let's see.... Hmmmm... When was the last time you really posted something in your own words and not just a snide comeback to someone's comment that you don't agree with?
Really your starting to sound like ccodiane, all one liners and no substance...
I expected more from you.
At least on the Old CW you did a lot more of your own writings. (as did I)

Now there is a lot in the article that I may agree with, But I left the Republican party back in 2002, Because I saw the direction that the party was headed and it was and still is dangerous.


New Member
Well, you're out to lunch, Dank!

Now then, with that said, I read the article in it's entirity before I posted it. After I read it, I thought to myself ... "Gee self, that pretty much sums up the reasons I no longer belong to the Republican Party." So ... I decided that I would title the thread that way. Little did I know that I would have to explain my motives for doing so to you, Dankster. And, if you don't think I post in my own words beyond "one liners," I'd say you either don't read my posts, or you need glasses.

I don't agree with everything in the article, but I DO agree with most of it.

Carry on ...



New Member
What was the main points that you guys are offended by the most, from the "94 Contract"? quote]

Here's the contract:

Republican Contract with America

Read it, then you tell those of us who have a libertarian mindset why we're pissed off at the Republican Party. This so called "contract" turned out to be nothing more than a political ploy to garner votes from libertarian minded folks. Once elected, they just turned their backs on those who supported them ... and it was business as usual again. This, by the way, is exactly why the Republicans no longer have the majority in the House and Senate ... and at this point a 50/50 chance of losing the White House as well.



Well-Known Member
What was the main points that you guys are offended by the most, from the "94 Contract"?
Here's the contract:

Republican Contract with America

Read it, then you tell those of us who have a libertarian mindset why we're pissed off at the Republican Party. This so called "contract" turned out to be nothing more than a political ploy to garner votes from libertarian minded folks. Once elected, they just turned their backs on those who supported them ... and it was business as usual again. This, by the way, is exactly why the Republicans no longer have the majority in the House and Senate ... and at this point a 50/50 chance of losing the White House as well.


Not to mention that once they had both houses and the White house they proved that absolute power corrupts absolutly.

  • FIRST, require all laws that apply to the rest of the country also apply equally to the Congress;

  • Yeah right, They acted as though they were above the law.... But so does our current congress.

    [*]SECOND, select a major, independent auditing firm to conduct a comprehensive audit of Congress for waste, fraud or abuse;

    Again, that never happened, actually they spent money like drunken sailors on liberty.

    [*]THIRD, cut the number of House committees, and cut committee staff by one-third;

    Government grew larger than it ever had.

    [*]FOURTH, limit the terms of all committee chairs;

    You still have some of the same people on some of the same committees that were on those committees back when the Contract was signed in front of the nation.... Does Arlen Specter ring a bell?

    [*]FIFTH, ban the casting of proxy votes in committee;

    It's still done folks and was still done when the republicans were still in power.

    [*]SIXTH, require committee meetings to be open to the public;

    Yet they had a bunch of closed door committee meetings under their power and of course nothing has changed now.

    [*]SEVENTH, require a three-fifths majority vote to pass a tax increase;

    One of the only things they were true to their word about....

    [*]EIGHTH, guarantee an honest accounting of our Federal Budget by implementing zero base-line budgeting.

And yet they were and still are conducting business as usual.

They also ended up being more totalitarian by the end of their reign of power, and like government always is, they aren't going to give up that foot hold very easy.