Why I fucking hate the "thug/gangsta" crap

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Well-Known Member
Last night a guy I grew up with was driving home from concert with some friends when a black car pulled up next to them, opened fire and then exited. Right now there is a kid who was looking forward to starting college this fall sitting in ICU because some "thug" had to prove his manhood by shooting a stranger and then running away.

Why is it cool to hurt and kill other people? This kind of senseless shit is spelled out to a T is so much of popular rap music today (and yes, I do actually have a rap station on my presets in my car). Hell you can't even get into the "rap game" without either serving jail time or being well known as a violent criminal.

Why do you guys buy this shit? The ONLY reason this is popular is because people like you who will never have the balls to actually shoot someone love to hear some degenerate assfuck talk about it.

Please explain this to me because I really just don't get it.

As much as I would like to say it doesn't matter, the shooting car was fill of young black men, the other was full of young white kids.


Well-Known Member
It's called life, so deal with it. Oh and people can listen to whatever the fuck they want to, what difference is it if both parties were white or black? Sounds like you have been living in a bubble your entire life.


Active Member
Bad shit happens to innocent people, end of. That's just the way it is. Why are people like that? It's a way of life for them. It sucks, especially if you're an innocent bystander. I was in a drive by once, it's pretty scary shit. Luckily I was in a house.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of cowards in the world with more 'guts' than heart, or brains, for that matter. It's easy, completely effortless, to hurt others when you don't really think and feel. I guess it's basically group mentality. A odd way to describe something which seems devoid of any mental abilities on behalf of the participants.

Hope your friend gets better. :peace:

Dank Hill

Well-Known Member
It's something that happens when the scum of the earth are mixed in with good people. I'm glad I live where I do. Don't have to deal with that shit..

And my condolences to your friend...


Well-Known Member
Shit does happen but glorifying it and making it like a trophy is bullshit. I am complaining about it not wanting to ban it, listen to what you want but it just seems fucking retarded to me.


Well-Known Member
thats shitty man, and id like to say everyone who said that shit happens is an insensitive prick but its true


Well-Known Member
It's sad to hear about that bullshit and those pussy thugs can't use their fist? The old days they used their fist and it was one on one and if you got your ass kicked at least we knew who was the real man. Fuking thugs listenting to rap and influenced by it and i listen to the wu and i never act hard and shoot from a car. Scum need to be wiped out completely!:hump:


Well-Known Member
never really did like rap music or that scene. mostly cuz i grew up in the burbs most my life and i would see dumb(low iq), loser, white kids who never even seen a real gun start acting all hard and shit just cuz they listened to that music and had no way else to get attention.

dont get me wrong. people who were brought up that way and are like that for real dont bother me. its those fake ass, rich boy, mysticlown type "thugs" that bother me.


Well-Known Member
we need more rappers like chamillionaire that isnt rapping about stabbing and shooting.
guess hes my fav rapper. what do you think of him and who is your favorite rapper?

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
we need more rappers like chamillionaire that isnt rapping about stabbing and shooting.
guess hes my fav rapper. what do you think of him and who is your favorite rapper?
Lupe Fiasco is 100x better than Chamilionaire. He also raps about how he hates the "shoot em up, fuck bitches, get money" attitude of most rappers. Listen to his song "Dumb it Down." Although it isn't his best song, he basically bashes other rappers for their stupidity.
You do bullshit, bullshit happens 10x worse.Im not trying to be insensitive but u dont like it become a preacher or saint.Where i live people get shot everyday.Fighting is old school nowadays the people coming up want to have a name for themselves but then start crying like lil bitches when they ass get caught..


Well-Known Member
The ruling class in this country deserves much of the blame... Blacks were kept down, mistreated, harrased, locked up for little to no good reason and still are, corraled in slums by economic forces, etc etc.

Take any group of people and mistreat and shit on them enough, give them shitty childhoods and limited options and a good percentage of them will wind up biting back.

May seem like no good reason, random drive by, but killers and hard criminals aren't generally born that way. The desire for violence in rap is a byproduct of frustration and anger in ones lives, all peoples lives not just a black/white thing.
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