Why is half of my girl maturing faster than her other half???


Well-Known Member
I am on my first grow, not the prettiest or the powerful however I had zero $$$ so I had to use what I had. 3-23watt CFL 13watt ftube, miracle grow soil, miracle grow plant food, tap water, shit like that. She is in the 12th week of flowering... Sativas, gotta love em. I believe she has two more to go however she went on a major growth spurt and is uneven in maturity??? I don't know WTF is goin on any suggestions? Keep in mind, this isn't a perfect set-up.

3rd pic is the bottom then works its way to the top in the 9th pic.



Well-Known Member
that plant looks really good for the amount of light you had. How are the trichomes looking? 2 weeks might be alright for some of the colas, but some i can tell just by looking will need more time than that. dont worry though, you dont have to harvest the whole plant at once. lots of people do 2 harvests from one plant like this since it allows the lower and not ready colas to get plenty of light exposure since the top is no longer there to block the light getting to them so they will really bulk up nicely as they finish and get ready for harvest #2.(sometimes called a staggered harvest).


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by uneven maturity? Like captain said I don't see a problem, especially with with no monies. The buds are going to be less dense because of the light. It will still smoke, just real fast. If the difference in bud size from top to bottom is the problem then the staged cutting like dark stated of buds could help in "maturing" them bottom budz a bit from more light exposure.


Well-Known Member
Yeah just make sure when your plant is growing from Veg all the way to harvest that you rotate the plant/pot a quarter turn every day if your lighting isn't very even. (basically all CFLers, HPS and MH bulbs give of more light so rotating plants isn't always needed.)

Nice looking plant from your ghetto grow btw!


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm just trippin out, the bottom half has more of the orange hairs, a lot more trics, fuller, stuff of that kind. But the top is pure white, buds are very loose and patchy, I am proud of what came of my baby with what I had, however I am gonna do the second grow right... 150watt HPS, nutes, all the goodies...


Well-Known Member
The bottom looks way more developed than the top... Also if I were to do a staggered harvest, wont that stress her out too much?
What do you mean by uneven maturity? Like captain said I don't see a problem, especially with with no monies. The buds are going to be less dense because of the light. It will still smoke, just real fast. If the difference in bud size from top to bottom is the problem then the staged cutting like dark stated of buds could help in "maturing" them bottom budz a bit from more light exposure.


Well-Known Member
give it 3 wks and they might be done.i grew a pure sativa a cpl yrs back that flowered a lil over 4 mo.s and could have went longer.with time the sativa will develop and give you that "trippy" high that sativa smokers like.me..i likee the indicas,stuck to the couch , bong in hand.


Well-Known Member
nah.. look at it this way.

Yes the plant will be slightly stressed from the cuts, but it will no longer have to supply/feed/grow all of the removed buds - So it evens out, if not more on the better side. :P I've staggered before, the last buds were usually the best...


Well-Known Member
The bottom looks way more developed than the top... Also if I were to do a staggered harvest, wont that stress her out too much?
Anything has potential to stress your plant... but is the risk worth the outcome? I think it would be, any chance to get more/better bud to me is always worth it! But you an others might not think so.

See thatdj has done the staggered grow, plus cutting the bud is just like topping the plant. As long as your cutting tool is clean an ya do a good 45ish degree cut then there should be no problem. Them lower buds will get all that good stuff that was going to them high class budz in the sky-box!!! Hey ya might even be able to revegg if the top grows up an out a bit. Cut the bottom budz then just reintroduce the plant into vegg light cycle with the correct color spectrum.

Hey MC do you have any way to get a good close up view/pic of your trich color? I think that would be your best bet in determining how immature them lower budz might be.


Well-Known Member
lol Indica is my wind down evening smoke, I like sativas during day/work still somewhat function-able we will see how she does.
give it 3 wks and they might be done.i grew a pure sativa a cpl yrs back that flowered a lil over 4 mo.s and could have went longer.with time the sativa will develop and give you that "trippy" high that sativa smokers like.me..i likee the indicas,stuck to the couch , bong in hand.