why make hash ?


ive always just smoked the keef right out of the grinder . does pressing it into a ball make it better or something ?
with this being said i plan on making hash off my next grow , im just curious why take the time when keef smokes fine .


Well-Known Member
For sure, grinding your buds with a coffee grinder will give you a miraculous amount of keef. Making hash with left over leaves from your grow, that's what all of the buzz is about. your thinking about smoking, the buzz is surrounding recycling your leaves as possible profit. Butter is also nice!


Well-Known Member
buds are buds, hash is hash :P

if you don`t know exactly what hash is, it`s a pasty brown byproduct of mary jane. The buds you grind and smoke, the leaves and stems which have much less THC you can use to make hash. If you cross refference this site with google you can find plenty of ways to make chocolate (like so -> site:rollitup.org how to make hash)

hope you make some great choccie mate, cheers :leaf::leaf:


i know what hash is and how to make it but i guess im just wondering if theres any benefit to pressing the keef as opposed to just drying it out ( if bubble bagging it ) and smoking it .


Well-Known Member
keif when pressed is hash..i do it with my keif all the time..i think it burns slower and its easyer to handle when pressed.. keif is legit crystals from the bud, when u make hash "bubble hash" with clippings..ur just extracting the crystals from ur clipings! ... just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
hash is in a different form then keif, and is made differently, so if u smashed the keif together it would still be keif unless u add water and compact it , u can melt keif also 2 make hash, all by products of mary jane are great , i like the way hash bubbles i also think it burns slower then kief a chunk of hash can last all day haha like some crack head shit though lol i need 2 make me a thc rock!!! good luck man btw hash is easier 2 handle but keif is easier 2 rolllllll it up in paper.peace


Well-Known Member
hash is in a different form then keif, and is made differently, so if u smashed the keif together it would still be keif unless u add water and compact it , u can melt keif also 2 make hash, all by products of mary jane are great , i like the way hash bubbles i also think it burns slower then kief a chunk of hash can last all day haha like some crack head shit though lol i need 2 make me a thc rock!!! good luck man btw hash is easier 2 handle but keif is easier 2 rolllllll it up in paper.peace
lmfao! wow dude!..how does adding water or melting keif make it hash?!?!?!?! either way its crystals being pressed "HASH" this isnt brain surgery!!! :) :bigjoint:

Mr Bomb

Active Member
For sure, grinding your buds with a coffee grinder will give you a miraculous amount of keef. Making hash with left over leaves from your grow, that's what all of the buzz is about. your thinking about smoking, the buzz is surrounding recycling your leaves as possible profit. Butter is also nice!
This response nails it straight on the head.:leaf:

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
In order to make a darker pressed hash from your keif, you would need, pressure, and HEAT, not water. (there are actually many methods for making hash) I used to press my keif into little blocks all the time, it smokes really nice that way. (dump it into a cigarette cellophane, fold it up really tight, tape it, fold newspaper over it, tape it, and run water over it till the newspaper is wet. Then put it in an oven, 350F, for about 10 minutes. Then remove and roll over it with a rolling pin. Press HARD) However, now that i have a volcano, i find that the loose keif is better. It really is all about your preference in ingestion.


Well-Known Member
Its not about preference when it comes to the leaves and stems as mentioned. you answered your own thread when you said you grind your bud and smoke the keif. I didnt see you say that you grinded leaves and stems and got keif from them. Its a way to not waste the shit your throwing away probably now. As for the smoking part that should have been your question not Why. After several people answered you still asked why. you can keep grinding and smoking your keif if thats what you prefer but why not make hash from the rest of the plant,


Well-Known Member
The reason why we press the
powder is because this improves
the taste and smell. It is also
easier to make a joint out of,
and more easily transportable. A
pressed piece of hash is easier to
share with someone than a pile
of sticky powder.:bigjoint:

I took this out of a grow guide i have:leaf:


Well-Known Member
You are missing part of the equation.

Mashing it opens all the resin glands and combined with a bit of heating it, aids the process of what would be done in extremely long curing, turning much much more of the cbd's and other cannabanoids into thc. Make pure bubble and do it right it should be better than the keif it came from and last longer by weight as long as it's not too old. Once you have made it all thc it does start to slowly degrade. Really old hash is less potent than it was fresh.

Changing the ratio of thc vs cbd vs other cannabanoids changes the high also, not just intensity. Here is a list I found of the difference major cannabanoids and their effects:

The Active Ingredients Of Cannabis

Cannabis products include marijuana, hashish, and hashish oil.
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) gets a user high, a larger THC content will produce a stronger high. Without THC you don't get high.
CBD (Cannabidiol) increases some of the effects of THC and decreases other effects of THC. High levels of THC and low levels of CBD contribute to a strong, clear headed, more energetic high.
Cannabis that has a high level of both THC and CBD will produce a strong head-stone that feels almost dreamlike. Cannabis that has low levels of THC and high levels of CBD produces more of a stoned feeling. The mind feels dull and the body feels tired.
CBN (Cannabinol) is produced as THC ages and breaks down, this process is known as oxidization. High levels of CBN tend to make the user feel messed up rather than high.
CBN levels can be kept to a minimum by storing cannabis products in a dark, cool, airtight environment. Marijuana should be dry prior to storage, and may have to be dried again after being stored somewhere that is humid.
THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin) is found primarily in strains of African and Asian cannabis. THCV increases the speed and intensity of THC effects, but also causes the high to end sooner. Weed that smells strong (prior to smoking) might indicate a high level of THCV.
CBC (Cannabichromene) is probably not psychoactive in pure form but is thought to interact with THC to enhance the high.
CBL (Cannabicyclol) is a degradative product like CBN. Light converts CBC to CBL.
If you are a grower, you can experiment with different strains of cannabis to produce the various qualities you seek. A medical user looking for something with sleep inducing properties might want to produce a crop that has high levels of CBD.
Another user looking for a more energetic high will want to grow a strain that has high levels of THC and low levels of CBD. In general, Cannabis sativa has lower levels of CBD and higher levels of THC. Cannabis indica has higher amounts of CBD and lower amounts of THC than sativa. See marijuana strains.



I have just followed this method with some cheese bud trim off my mate!
Can't fault, it was so easy. Just gotta get the water and ice mix right and don't mix to fast ,as it can shred the leaves and u won't get them all out!!

Ended up with a nice big lump of really good hash. I also passed it through a coffee filter and it some more refined hash too :)

Bubble bags will be my next investment I think. I bloody love hash XD



Well-Known Member

I have just followed this method with some cheese bud trim off my mate!
Can't fault, it was so easy. Just gotta get the water and ice mix right and don't mix to fast ,as it can shred the leaves and u won't get them all out!!

Ended up with a nice big lump of really good hash. I also passed it through a coffee filter and it some more refined hash too :)

Bubble bags will be my next investment I think. I bloody love hash XD

I was just starting off with the iso hash and was wondering if the bubble is wayyy better? I only used trim and leaves and was wondering if good bud iso hash is just as good as bubble. Any ideas on that?


Well-Known Member
u can make all kinds of shit with trim...canibutter...tea...hash oil.. weed crack "look up hash bean on youtube" he shows u how to make hash oil into "weed crack" lol!


You are missing part of the equation.

Mashing it opens all the resin glands and combined with a bit of heating it, aids the process of what would be done in extremely long curing, turning much much more of the cbd's and other cannabanoids into thc. Make pure bubble and do it right it should be better than the keif it came from and last longer by weight as long as it's not too old. Once you have made it all thc it does start to slowly degrade. Really old hash is less potent than it was fresh.

Changing the ratio of thc vs cbd vs other cannabanoids changes the high also, not just intensity. Here is a list I found of the difference major cannabanoids and their effects:

The Active Ingredients Of Cannabis

Cannabis products include marijuana, hashish, and hashish oil.
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) gets a user high, a larger THC content will produce a stronger high. Without THC you don't get high.
CBD (Cannabidiol) increases some of the effects of THC and decreases other effects of THC. High levels of THC and low levels of CBD contribute to a strong, clear headed, more energetic high.
Cannabis that has a high level of both THC and CBD will produce a strong head-stone that feels almost dreamlike. Cannabis that has low levels of THC and high levels of CBD produces more of a stoned feeling. The mind feels dull and the body feels tired.
CBN (Cannabinol) is produced as THC ages and breaks down, this process is known as oxidization. High levels of CBN tend to make the user feel messed up rather than high.
CBN levels can be kept to a minimum by storing cannabis products in a dark, cool, airtight environment. Marijuana should be dry prior to storage, and may have to be dried again after being stored somewhere that is humid.
THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin) is found primarily in strains of African and Asian cannabis. THCV increases the speed and intensity of THC effects, but also causes the high to end sooner. Weed that smells strong (prior to smoking) might indicate a high level of THCV.
CBC (Cannabichromene) is probably not psychoactive in pure form but is thought to interact with THC to enhance the high.
CBL (Cannabicyclol) is a degradative product like CBN. Light converts CBC to CBL.
If you are a grower, you can experiment with different strains of cannabis to produce the various qualities you seek. A medical user looking for something with sleep inducing properties might want to produce a crop that has high levels of CBD.
Another user looking for a more energetic high will want to grow a strain that has high levels of THC and low levels of CBD. In general, Cannabis sativa has lower levels of CBD and higher levels of THC. Cannabis indica has higher amounts of CBD and lower amounts of THC than sativa. See marijuana strains.

thats the answer i was looking for . maybe i should have been clearer in my wording . thank you :bigjoint:


I was just starting off with the iso hash and was wondering if the bubble is wayyy better? I only used trim and leaves and was wondering if good bud iso hash is just as good as bubble. Any ideas on that?
Well as far as I know the bubble is supposed to be "the best"

Iso hash is good but a little less refined, where as if you had bubble bags they stop any trim matter from getting mixed in. They also give different strengths as the different screens devide the trichs up. That and I think it's just abit quicker and easier. It's LONG waiting for it all to settle, it takes a good day of work to get iso.

Hope this has helped, I'm no pro so if anyone wants to add anymore please do.
