Why marijuana is illegal. u have to read all somkers should.


New Member
i hate to read the facts behind the ignorant laws regarding marijuana, because its so frusterating. If there were ANY kind of logical reason to ban pot it would be a LOT less irritating...But I still wouldnt follow the rules.


Well-Known Member
I dont think yall realize how strong is the whiskey lobby to our fine politicos. Think we could have survived the deal if they hadnt got all the employers on board to deny jobs to them who use it. Use it as an excuse to fire em...dont have to honor the workman's comp insurance deal. Back in the 70's I believed the stuff would be total legal within 10 years. Boy was I wrong. Watched the SWAT team on one of the educational channels taking down a wonderful grow area in some fellas basement up North. Gosh that was purty. Looked like the Amazon Jungle. They say he supplied near the whole town. It was a heart breaker. Manyapolis Swat was the name of the series I think.

Big Wheel