why no buds


Well-Known Member
i heard flower in stages first couple weeks stretch not much budding

next few weeks budding growth speeded up

last few weeks bud plumping


yeah i know theres hairs just not really the "bud" if u know what i mean. but i changed the light today to a 400W hps for one plant so it should be growing very nicely now, but the temp is around 81 right now, i am working on a ventilation now


i am sure i will be, i wish i started with the HPS now. all i gotta do is work on ventilation, is 82 too warm during light cycle? should i push to lower it a little


Well-Known Member
82 is ok mate that s about 26.c right? lower itr a little if u can but my room can get to 30.c on a hot day and they are fine. as long as u gt air exchange its all gd m8 ya plant looks lush 2 me i love those 9 fingered leaves, taling a better glance i can see the other leaves gen have 7 fingers so i stand corrected on the def a sativa quote, soz m8


its this sunleaves light, (4X24 watts) with red spectrum bulbs in it for flowering. and thanks man, wow i had no idea it would take that long for it to flower completely. I am growing it stealth so i dont have that much room im my room, how much taller do u think it will get?
your light sucks. get a 400w hps stop messing around


Active Member
you don't want the temp too warm i try to keep mine around 77 degrees. good luck with ventilation it's hard to set up with no budget.


Well-Known Member
dude i suggest some trimming on some of those blocking fan leaves towards the top of your plant to get rid of the cannopy effect and give light (food) to lower buds. christmas tree pattern is da way to go! gl and the girl looks beautifull i say another 4 weeks! peace!! :peace:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I grew a couple of monsters under a 400 watt HPS. You can get it pretty close to the plants. Looks like your switch is having the desired effect. Your next grow will amaze you provided you use the corrected lighting throughout.


yeah its doing a lot better and yeah i know i wish i wouldve used it the whole time but its all good its my first grow


Well-Known Member
You are doing fine for your first time. It is the one that you learn the most on. Everything from #2 forward is tuning.