Why the differance?


I have two plants,,,I got the seeds out of a single bud a friend gave me...both have turned out to be females,,,but one is dark green the other light green,,,same water,,nutes,,,everything the same even soil....why the differance? pics added! no root bound,,,checked ph is same for both
802 001.jpg802 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
like said above different phenotypes and different plants can use different amount of nutes. try feeding them separately and giving the lighter one just a tad more nutes and it should green right up.


Active Member
Looks allot better , the plant that was drooping has recovered good luck budding both of em .


For the love of all things cannabis clone them both! Then get some sexing hormone and cause one branch to become male on each of the mother plants(after you've taken multiple cuts) so they will pollinate themselves and you will have two phenotypes in seed form. Then send them to us!:)


Well-Known Member
It's sort of like asking why 2 children from the same parents look a little different. That's the way God intended it to be.

Sure, you'll have your indentical twins, your Siamese twins, your cloned twins ( mine is actually alot lazier than me, which pisses me off to no end ) but like people, each thing in this world is a little different than everything else.

Take fingerprints for example, a freak of nature or divinely inspired?