why use foxfarm ocean forest? will light warrior and their nute plan be better?


Well-Known Member
I just start mt plants out in ocean forest and begin using very light nutes after the second set of serrated leaves grow in.


Well-Known Member
Mix in the ocean forest soil with light warrior
light warrior is for germing

soil has enuff nutes in it to sustain well into a week in flowering


I wouldn't use just Light Warrior for flowering, even if you do plan on using thew full line of FF nutes. There's so much good stuff in Ocean Forest that it will help auto-correct for any inconsistencies in the nutrient schedule, which otherwise might hurt you in a pure Light Warrior grow.

I like to plant clones in 16 oz solo cups of Light Warrior, then transplant to 50/50 Light Warrior/Ocean Forest after two to three weeks.


Well-Known Member
I like Happy Frog, OF is aight, generally I mix my happy frog, and ocean forest, then I add 20ish % peralite, and then mix that mix with some mricle gro organic soil..... not the MG with MG in the 100% organic potting soil one.

Works awesome so far, only thing better would be building my own soil...... i am to lazy and dont have the space for that for now.