Why vaping is the dumbest thing ever??

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Combustion is 415F.

Vape temps are lower, but you don't need combustion temps to effectively decarbox:

Also, the Vape weed is still in the device, so you get many turns at extracting. It's pretty efficient.
Too bad that by the time you've done enough minutes at temp you've already inhaled the majority of the oil in the form of acetates.
Those with high tolerances that never get there from vaping bud, please remember what I've mentioned about decarboxylation.

Frankly even vaping wax fails to decarb it all but reclaim is easy and no waste. Same can't be said for bud.
I use a SSV whip vape, and I like how you control the vape level just by varying your inhale speed / duration. Becomes second nature really quick.

The bud stays in there until I'm done, so I extract what I want. Toss the rest
do you need any special equipment to vape concentrates? i.e. more than a thermostatic vaporiser ? i have not tried that yet but i am interested.
I've been using a vaporizer so long I cannot even hit a joint now. It tastes like I'm burning rope..*cough*cough*..
Vaping out the crack pipe is probably better than the titanium nail w vapor globe. Just heat the tube of glass red hot then safety pin a dab. Real nice reclaim, no loss like how the titanium nail needs bigger size blobs to get nice reclaim.
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Anyone know why a Volcano inflames my throat and makes me cough more than smoking bowls? I'd love to switch to vaping, but even at different settings, with different herbs/kief, it scratches my throat dangit.
Personally, I smoke and vape (pen & dabs). I get a better high from smoking, but I don't smoke in the house. If don't feel like stepping out, because I'm feeling exceptionally lazy or because it's effing cold, or I just want a minor buzz that I can still think straight with, then I vape. My 17 y/o Maine Coon mix prefers vape over smoke. I think it helps with his arthritis and is less acrid and irritating to his nose. Vaping tends to be easier to deal with on a road trip as well, as it doesn't smell the car up or leave as much residue on the windows as smoking does. So, IMHO there is a place and time for each.

As for the article, I think the author just needed a topic and something to bitch about.