Well-Known Member
thewoman13 is such a dumbass, as bigoted christian revisionists are wont to be.

... how is your alphabet coming along?!?
thewoman13 is such a dumbass, as bigoted christian revisionists are wont to be.
thewoman13 is such a dumbass, as bigoted christian revisionists are wont to be.
awww, thewoman13 is menstruating. how cute.
i like to make sport of bigoted christian revisionists like yourself. sue me, nancy.I am sorry all, I'm not sure how UncleBuck has taken a fancy to me
That said, I am a long time well thought Libertarian and I have and am willing to further share my views with you on this topic.
Please do not think I have came here to troll,
Yeah, I savvy. That is what sets them apart. Do you savvy? If they lie, cheat and deceive their way into office, are they no better than what we have had?Exactly. That is their crutch.
I'm just saying that they should do it to get elected, then go by their true views afterwards. Savvy?![]()
I sent my ballot for him, in last week.Again, lots of "Id vote for him but..."
My point was everyone seems to like him but no one will vote for him cos they're too busy trying to get the "lesser of two evils" elected instead of the guy with a record of results.
That my friends is a fucking retarded mentality and a massive part of why your country looks beautiful on the outside but fundamentally is fucked to the core unless there's some real change (Not Hussein style change).
What the fuck are you talking about? Speedboats? I thought it was a race between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.that doesnt say to how to get the country to shift vote in unison and does nothing to address the problem of getting the worst of the bunch
you can keep what you've already won or risk losing it all by making a bet on the speed boat
now the bet on the speedboat might be tempting if every things economically comfortable, but if you havent got a pot to piss in then its wiser to take the safer option
Wanna see racism? Watch this:oh, now i remember.
you're also the douchebag who calls obama an affirmative action president.
nothing racist implied there, eh?
douchebag bible thumping bigot.
you never stated you were a christian, just that you believed in theocracy based in christianity.
bible thumping douchebag.
oh, now i remember.
you're also the douchebag who calls obama an affirmative action president.
nothing racist implied there, eh?
douchebag bible thumping bigot.
but unlike you and thewoman13, i don't let the fact that i fast on this day or that or eat gefilte fish at times interfere with my politics whatsoever.
whereas your bible thumping bigoted pal does, and so do you. remember when you said you would not even consider voting for someone unless they professed a belief in sky daddy?
iran would be better suited to your theocratic desires.
ah, i see. you're not only a bigot, but a theocratic christian revisionist.
jesus fucking christ.
"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Musselmen; and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."
i'm picking up that you have no fucking clue what AA is and that you're a christian revisionist bigot.
i'm simply not a bigoted christian revisionist like you are.
take your theocracy elsewhere.
now you're a lying bigoted christian revisionist.
if you had no intent to promote any religion, then why did you mention and promote christianity specifically?
you're so full of shit and too dumb to realize that we can all smell it from a mile away.
thewoman13 is such a dumbass, as bigoted christian revisionists are wont to be.
awww, thewoman13 is menstruating. how cute.
[video=youtube_share;0xRrUVVKigk][/video]i like to make sport of bigoted christian revisionists like yourself. sue me, nancy.
Just like everyone else, you are entitled to your opinion but some of us are not defeatists. You either are part of the solution or you are part of the problem.Voting just ain't worth a fuck any more. Why bother to waste time going out to vote for someone you would rather see dead than in officeStay home smoke some wacky weed and cuss about the election like you did last year
What the president or the rest of the world wants does not matter. As was clearly demonstrated during the current administration, there is nothing getting through congress that does not favor the investor and corporate america kiss-ass .
i'd explain it to you but i think it would take too longWhat the fuck are you talking about? Speedboats? I thought it was a race between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.
If it needs explaining, it probably wasn't worth mentioning.i'd explain it to you but i think it would take too long
well not to you anywayIf it needs explaining, it probably wasn't worth mentioning.