why work when we grow???

Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
do you get a pension or health insurance from growing?
no but I doubt this man gets that in the restauraunt business either. that shit is sketchy. Im a cook and I know the deal. Its good steady money but its crazy demanding physically and shitty to your health.really though dude just get a part time job and grow a shitload.. whatever you do dont JUST grow and sell. cmon.. you learn that when ur 16.. ur parents would bust your ass then.. now its ATF and DEA.. so go flip burgers for 6 hours a day then hang out with ur plants the rest of the time. dont be dumb though


Well-Known Member
got a ton of interesting comments........thankx much
ive been working for so long that i cant imagine not working......and i dont plan on it.....
working a job i actually like.....say 30 hours a week max......and growing is kind of a amped up hobby..........
my gardening in general is a hobby gone array with tons of veggies and of course my 20 fruit trees..........
believe me getting caught is a major factor and id never grow commercially ..although im not sure how many plants would be considered commercially..


Well-Known Member
in the restaurant business health insurance is a joke........we arent union so insurance is not happening....plus people move on so much that even the 401k is tough..........i have some retirement going but not enough.......