will a de-humidifier hurt the potency


Well-Known Member
No, it will not lower potency. It will work to lower your humidity.. Are you flowering your plant now?


New Member
i already harvested it... and now i want to try it... and I was wondering if the de-humidifer will dry it faster.


Well-Known Member
If you want to use the de humidifier so you can smoke some then only do a little bit of your harvest. The faster you dry and cure your bud the harsher it is usually. So dry most of it properly and it will be much better.


New Member
I almost got raped by a deer today when I harvested it.... i came across a like a 10-12 point buck n it stared me down n it came at me but it was like 50 feet distance and i ran up a tree lol then it went away.

i heard on manswers that the deadliest animal in north america is the deer. it killed so far 140 people... possibly more..


Active Member
nobody has got patience have they let nature take its course hold out trust me its worth it:leaf:


Well-Known Member
The humidifier won't dry it any faster, higher dry room temps will. It will however keep mold from growing on your plant. You really don't want to dry your plant out too fast anyway like HazeyWorld420 said. I keep the humidity around 40%. Keep your dry space cool(inthe 70's). I have a fan circulate the air, but not blowing directly on the plant. When the stems break, not bend, cut the buds off and cure them. That buck probably had some of his own plans for that plant. Maybe bring a nice doe by, get her all stoned and move in for the kill. You fucked up his gig. Good Luck


New Member
yea i just decided to hang it up in my closet it dar so it'll prolly be cool not to cool and i'm going to put the dehumidifer in my room... i guess a slow drying process is better for my buds.

thanks yall.