Will antacid tabs work to increase your ph if its acidic?


Active Member
i was wondering if an antacid tablet, like a "tums" would increase the ph of your soil? or are there too many bad chemicals in it...?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't try it. I bet there are other alternatives that are just as cost effective. I don't soil grow but, I believe dolomite lime. Someone else will chime in. I would just worry about the rest of the ingredients, and if it would be effective at all.


Well-Known Member
There is calcified lime in most antacid products. No, no. Go to Homedepot or the like and get a bag of Epsoma Garden Lime. Better yet. Get some powdered dolomite from the net.
if you want to raise the ph in your soil just go to your local hydro store and pick up a general hydroponics ph kit then up the water and water those girls. the kit costs like 16 bucks and it comes with test tube, ph testing solution, and ph up and ph down. its a must have for soil growers