Will i need a dehumidifier in sealed greenhouse with Co2???


Active Member
I have a 20ft x 10ft sealed greenhouse. temps outside temps outside can get to around 19F, which is why i decided to seal it with a heater and Co2.

will this create high levels of humidity?

Will i need to purchase a dehumidifier?

and what other problems could i run into with this grow?

Ive only ever grown indoor hydro without Co2.



New Member
I use one for the last part of flowering, if you have high humidity during flowering, you can expect mold.
you want about 45% humidity during flowering. If your going to seal the room, you need to control ALL aspects of your enviroment.


Active Member
bump bump!!!!
You absolutely will need a dehumidifier in any sealed environment. If there isn't any air exchange, then there isn't anything to remove the excess moisture the plants produce during the dark period. There are only two things that remove humidity in a sealed environment: An air conditioner by its operation, and a dehumidifer. Since you only have the AC going during the lights on period, guess what you'll need for the lights off? :)