Will My Little Guy Make It??


Active Member
So my Kings Kush isn't doing so well and i dont know why!! At first i thought i might have overwatered her because her leafs were drooping but the soil drys up completely in a day and i watered every other day.

I just repotted her hoping that would give her a nice kick (worked with my other plant)

here are some pics let me know what you think


the larger side leafs drooping seem to keep getting worse but theres a bit of growth coming from the middle that wasn't there a few days ago but just coming very slowly. Do you think she'll last?

any help is appreciated


Active Member
the leaves are yellow, it needs proper nutrients, are you giving it any?
No not really. I mostly just give it PH'd water. Sometimes with a touch of FF Big Bloom. I thought when plants are that small they don't get nutes? should i start giving it Big Bloom and Grow Big?

but even tho its so small its almost 3 weeks old :( very stunted growth


Well-Known Member
N deficiency possibly or more likely. your givin her Bloom nutes? You should use nutes for GROW, much more N on the N-P-K scale. You start on 1/4 strenght and slowly (i do by the week) raise the strenght. I would sugjest a good flush and then you start again with grow not bloom nutes and you water them every 2,3 (mybe 4) dayz. at least at the beginning. Dont over do it, get a good ph and ppm (ec) meter and good (right!) nutrients, measure your run-off and for starters get lots of INFO abouth growing.
Good luck and keep growing :D


Active Member
Ty for help!

fox farm recommends giving Big Bloom through out the entire grow. Only difference being you switch from Grow Big to Tiger Bloom when its time to flower.

lol I just use a cheap PH test kit. Those ph and ppm meters are pretty expensive aren't they? then you have to recalibrate them every so often as well?

I'll start cutting out the Big Bloom and just do Grow Big to see how she likes it. Should i really look for run off when the plant is that small? Chances are the roots not even half way down yet heh


Active Member
Does worm castings have N in them? I realized I was just using soil in a jiffy pot then I repotted yesterday to a 1 gallon pot with 10% castings


Well-Known Member
Ty for help!

fox farm recommends giving Big Bloom through out the entire grow. Only difference being you switch from Grow Big to Tiger Bloom when its time to flower.

lol I just use a cheap PH test kit. Those ph and ppm meters are pretty expensive aren't they? then you have to recalibrate them every so often as well?

I'll start cutting out the Big Bloom and just do Grow Big to see how she likes it. Should i really look for run off when the plant is that small? Chances are the roots not even half way down yet heh
Im not a soil grower so i cant help you on nutrients, but a good PH and PPM meter is a must have in (good) growing, and yes you should check your run-off couse soil does tend to hold more nutrients then other growing medium so just to keep on a safe side, i would check ;) Ph /PPM testers are not that expenise, like 50 (70,80 $) euros per tester or you can buy a combo type but that costs like 150 euros + (around 200 $), and yes again, you do have to calibrate 'em from time to time but its worth it ;)