Will these Ferts. work for Weed Plants


Well-Known Member
I Use GH Series. 30 bucks / gal actually less but I like round numbers.

Also (I had to sry, :lol:):

This is weed:

This is Cannabis:

*Disclaimer. Neither of these pictures are mine. Thanks Google.


Well-Known Member
like what example...and y cant this be used for growing?
He never said it WON'T work, he just means it will not work as well as it will for non-smokeable plants.
Those will keep your plant green, but there are many other products out there that will do better, once you do some research and figure out what you want for N,P, and K at what times of the grow.


Well-Known Member
Am just going to get Fox Farm Trio and General Hydroponics Trio..... and maybe the Perfect pH line from Advanced Nutes(Anyone tried it?)