wilted curled leaves help if uya can


Well-Known Member
jusrt tranbsfered 60 c99 t oaeroflo and i had this same problem with sweet tooth and blueberry last time got so bad i scraped st the bb was best iove ever had even with problemns but anyway the leaves every time ive tried hydro always curl under from the front and sides of the leaves really bad and curl down into almost a tube shape eventually they always look sad and deformed

2000w hps
temp 80-85
water temp 75ish
ppm was like 1600 so i flushed a bunch and got t down to 1250 last night ill see what it is today in an hour
ph was 5.8 but it changes aso ima see what it is today later

it almost sems like an over watered plant but how can you not over water when it lives in water 24/7

if anyone can tell me whats up form description i would appreciate it i really dont wanna have to scrap all my cindy just cuz bl;ueberry i s only thing ive had any luck with in hydro sog


Well-Known Member
Plants can be over watered when they live in water if they dont get enough oxigen.
Do you have airstones in your water?

2000w is a lot of light power, dont get them to close.


Well-Known Member
yeah we have air pump giving oxygen and its aero so should get plenty of o2 i would think the lights are about 18" or more away right now


Well-Known Member
yeah we have air pump giving oxygen and its aero so should get plenty of o2 i would think the lights are about 18" or more away right now
pics would be nice but first off your water temp is too high should be 68 70 any higher and you will burn your roots up also for young plants your ppm should be around 400 ppm hope this helps