Wilting and weird spots!!


Active Member
I've had these plants (2 plants) about 3 weeks from seed and I'm having a few problems. I've done the same and used the same things for both plants. Both are bagseed... First, I'm using a T5 HO 2ft 4bulb, organic soil with all the goodies, 2' x 3' x 3.75' closet, a fan blowing on the lights, distilled water, and I've given 1 feeding on FoxFarm Grow Big nutes about 2 days ago (1 teaspoon to a gallon (half the recommended)) and I haven't watered them since. The leaves on the taller plant are starting to curl up, I thought at first this was because of heat but also was told it could be overwatering. Both are a possibility, my temps are 75-84 on a good day, 80-88 on a normal day (its summer). I've been running a humidifier because RH is below 25% without it. It runs about 50% with humidifier.

I posted some pictures, can anyone tell me why the leaves are drooping?? Also, there are some weird rough lightish color spots on the tips and I havent got the slightest clue why. Theyre also very dry feeling and delicate.

I'm going to be transplanting them tomorrow because roots are starting to come out the holes in the bottom and I definitely think its time to give them some more space. As you can see, one of them is significantly smaller (about 1-2 leaf sets behind) and I dont know why her growth is stunted.:?

EDIT: The last picture was taken about 4 days ago, before the leaves started drooping, I was just trying to show the size of both of them, and as u can see the smaller is being propped up as well, so its even shorter normally lol




New Member
stop the feeding your burning them, fox farms nutes and soil, is hot ( already full of nutes ). flush about twice, them water with a bit of epsom salts, and should come right. then go on with your feeding on 1/2 - 1/4 of recomended feeding. small plants dont need much ferts.

hope this helps


Active Member
stop the feeding your burning them, fox farms nutes and soil, is hot ( already full of nutes ). flush about twice, them water with a bit of epsom salts, and should come right. then go on with your feeding on 1/2 - 1/4 of recomended feeding. small plants dont need much ferts.

hope this helps
Well I just transplanted them and both were pretty root bound. I think they will take nicely to their new home. I watered till water started running out the bottom from all holes after transplanting and I won't be watering again for a few days. If they don't get any better, the next watering will be with epsom salts like Rtoke said. I'll give it a try! Thanks


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like fertburn to me, they don't even have burnt leaf tips, yet. Looks like it *could* be some kind of fungus/mold starting. Pic 2 shows those tiny white spots in the area of damage, and I'm wondering if it isn't powdery mildew starting? IDK, never dealt with it personally, only the stuff I've seen other guys go through, here at RIU.
