Window unit letting light in


So I currently have two tents in my room, 4x4 and a 4x8 we are entering summer and heat has become a bit of an issue. I've tammed it down for now but was thinking if I could open my flower tent up it could sure eliminate alot of my issues for the room typically runs 10degree cooler. Light come on 7 to 7 in flower tent so we're running through the night. So my window unit allows light through where it actually blows out. Has anyone come up with a good modern solution to these window units letting light it ? I would go for one that sits inside the room and vents out but I just upgraded my window unit and trying to work with what I got. Thanks guys and gals


Well-Known Member
Paint the internals black and/or add a light trap behind it, no problems here and the back of my unit gets hit with equatorial sun every morning.