Winter Photoperiods


Active Member
Hi I am running a grow during winter here in Australia and I am using photoperiods I have been told that it is possible just wondering if I have to use Autos.

Will take any answers or information thanks


Active Member
I don't it will really matter all that much as a photoperiod will just flower after 3 weeks during winter anyway. But would be an interesting test to see what copes better.
But if you interrupted the photo's darkness period with an hour or so of light then you could let it keep vegging over winter until closer to the equinox and then just let it flower then with a stronger sun and a bigger plant.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Hi I am running a grow during winter here in Australia and I am using photoperiods I have been told that it is possible just wondering if I have to use Autos.

Will take any answers or information thanks
Hey now. I grow in winter in NW Florida. You want to use photos. That way you can veg them up to the size you want before going outside with them. The long nights will make them flower when they go out. I chopped some this week, and no sign of re-veg yet, but that is the thing you need to think about, is when they will finish in the spring. These were replacements, as I lost my 1st crop this winter to 23F, so I'm cutting it close. I try to drop seeds the 1st couple of weeks of winter.

Winter sun is not as strong, so the buds are not as hard as usual. But you do get a decent return for your time. Vegging them up to at least knee high under lights helps a lot in that regard.

Never done Automatics myself, but from what I hear, the middle of summer is the best use of them outdoors.

Good luck.