Wisconsin Questions

I'm planning on doing a guerrilla grow in Wisconsin this year. I tried doing one in Pennsylvania when I lived there last summer but it didn't turn out well. I did save a few that turned out to be really good indoor plants but due to some circumstances (Watering system failure, Police Eviction, etc.) none of them made it through the full grow. The watering system failure did make good butter though. This year I'm planning on sprouting indoors and then replanting outdoors at my selected sites. I've read that mid to late May is a good time to plant this far north but it fucking snowed yesterday so we'll have to see how that goes. In the meantime I'll get them started in the attic. Here's the plan. I have A LOT of bagseed that I've been saving since last years attempted "throw and grow." I'm going to germinate about half of it and start them in egg cartons and then replant into small plastic cups when it's time. They will be grown under 4' floros for the first month then go outside at the end of May. I will probably keep a few for under my grow light. When I plant them outdoors I will take a few supplies with me to mix into the soil. I want to add some nutrients in at this time but I'm not sure what. This is where I need a little help. I was going to mix in some MG soil but was wondering in the nutes were too hot for such young plants. I was also going to add some pearlite to get good drainage. Then I was going to let mother nature take over. I'm sure there are things I'm over looking but that's what I have experienced forum members to help me with. Any input?


Well-Known Member

Move to California.
Grow it in yer backyard.

Kinda like this,,,,,,,

13 ft tall pure Thai.

Had to trim them three times to keep em small. Total trim of nine feet.

Now I'm indoors and rockin like ac/dc.

Good luck snd good grows to ya,,,,,
