Wow keep on keeping arguing lolbut the poll now is what it is.
The poll that is phrased in exactly a way to get the result it did. That makes it as legitimate as asking about abortion by saying: Do you support killing children? Yes or No.
Wow keep on keeping arguing lolbut the poll now is what it is.
and it reflects what the people of wisconsin, as well as americans in general, also believe.
the right picked the wrong hill climb.
and they should have warned the dumb as shit governor of that state not to fall for any prank calls.
they really should have warned him not to make it public that he is bought and paid for by two spoiled little trust fund babies who were handed their daddy's business.
'we the people' consented.
passed an amendment to the constitution and everything.
did it just as the founding fathers laid it out for us.
we could repeal it at any time, or pass another amendment.
for some reason, we don't.
do you not understand that you are part of 'we the people'?
are you really hoping that one day, the government will single you out and start sending you that form that politely asks if you agree to pay taxes?
go shit in one hand, and wish into the other.
see which fills up first.
you are the height of naivete.
there is no gun in this room.
i consent to taxes, or else i would not work.
plenty of ways to make tax free money, live off the grid, and not be involved in this society form which you derive benefit.
but you have to be willing to forgo the benefits if you want to forgo the costs.
again, this applies to EVERYTHING.
want to walk on two feet? sure...gotta give up those epic tree climbing skills.
want a thick coat of blubber to keep you warm in the winter? sure...gotta give up the ability to endure higher temperatures as easily.
want to avoid the costs of society? sure....gotta give up the benefits of society.
there are trade offs in everything. keep that in mind as you post away on your computer (thank public education and universities) and use the internet (made available by public infrastructure).
put your money where your mouth is, jagoff.
Rape the tax code? The bottom 50% of people in the country don't pay hardly any taxes. The top 1 percent pay about 40% of the taxes. Those horrible horrible people. How dare they? The lower 75% of the population pays about 15% of the taxes in the country. Exactly how much do you think the burden should be on the people in the top 25%? 85% of all isn't enough? Not to mention those same 25% at the top are the ones paying the business tax too because they own the businesses. That doesn't seem a tad bit excessive?
Aren't you the same guy that doesn't pay taxes on your plant sales?
Live off the grid? Already do.
You presume to know much about me. Whenever I ask you why you rationalize violence, you never REALLY answer and throw a little fit...why is that?
As far as paying for things, when did I ever say people shouldn't pay for that which they use? I think you are confused.
My computer was built by a homeschooled student...sorry.
The "costs of society" ? That's funny. That's a euphemistic rationalization for institutionalized use of force. A society that bases it's costs on consensual transactions advances freedom. Those that don't help to create "Uncle Buck and his magic rationalization machines."
Jagoff ? If somebody asks you uncomfortable questions and holds the hypocrisy mirror up for you to see your reflection, your best answer is an insult.
So why DO you approve of the initiation of force anyway?
not excessive at all, considering the top 25% percent control far greater than 85% of all wealth.
funny thing is, i will one day be part of that top 25% percent, as my father in law is recruiting me to take over the family biz, since his two daughters already have careers, and hos son does not want to.
The left has never explained why it is ok to tax one person more than another. Having kids excuses you from paying your share, taking care of people excuses you from paying your share, being poor excuses you from paying your share. If my neighbor has a yard full of cars, and I have one it is not ok for me to steal half of his cares. Yet, if there are 1 million people with a yard full of cars and 100 million with less it somehow becomes ok. Our constitution is supposed to protect that 1 from the masses, not the other way around.
Funny thing is that will make you a hypocrite, not to mention no one believes you. What person who worked and did right for himself and owns his own business would give it over to a liberal who hates the very idea of success?
Why is it not ok to have more than someone else? When did this become a rule?
same ill probably be moving up into the top 25% as well, but that doesn't mean that i haven't experienced what the lower and middle class is experiencing, I'm fine for paying high taxes as along as the return is benefiting my family and myself. if i have enough money to sustain my family for generations, then i can easily help others out because once your dead your dead. money doesn't matter to either a rich man or poor everybody's the same. just enjoy life while we still can.
i'm sure if we threw enough monkeys and computer parts into a room and locked it, we'd eventually get a computer.
perhaps a home-schooled student built your computer. would he have figured out how to build a computer without the foundation of knowledge laid out by students that were not home-schooled? betcha not.
let me ask, did that home-schooled student also lay the infrastructure that allows you to disseminate your confused definitions of words over the internet?
i see you still have not named a single society that has ever not used 'institutionalized force'.
yawn. you bore me.
at least johnnyo cracks wise or brings up an interesting argument every so often.
you are just like a hamster running on a wheel.
i'll go ask obama if he would be a sport and mail you a form politely asking if you wish to voluntarily pay your taxes this year.
The left has never explained why it is ok to tax one person more than another. Having kids excuses you from paying your share, taking care of people excuses you from paying your share, being poor excuses you from paying your share. If my neighbor has a yard full of cars, and I have one it is not ok for me to steal half of his cares. Yet, if there are 1 million people with a yard full of cars and 100 million with less it somehow becomes ok. Our constitution is supposed to protect that 1 from the masses, not the other way around.
Funny thing is that will make you a hypocrite, not to mention no one believes you. What person who worked and did right for himself and owns his own business would give it over to a liberal who hates the very idea of success?
Why is it not ok to have more than someone else? When did this become a rule?
hey its fine to have more than others but what i believe is that some of those top 1% didn't get that money legitimately, they directly stole it from the people.
Thank you for admitting that you advocate violence as a means to an end.
Just because something is done as a common occurence doesn't mean it is justified. Until recent times there really weren't societies that operated absent slavery, that doesn't mean the status quo is necessarily a good thing though does it?
Sorry if I bore you, I'll try to do better. Pleasing you is high on my list of things to do...
You are right, I am repetitive. I don't deny that. That doesn't mean I'm incorrect though.
What you and your hamster do in the privacy of your home is your business.