withered leaves


Well-Known Member
Over watering causes droopy leaves. Try to only water when the soil is dry down at LEAST an inch into the soil. Don't water every day either. They should perk back up if you cut down on the watering. PEACE


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, like muyoso said.

Young plants dont use ferts. It just burns them, thats why your tips are dying.
I think this was my problem as well and to an extent continues to be, lack of proper light and fertilizers too early screwed up my grow. Droopy leaves and brown tips FTL :( It's kindof strange how easy it is to diagnose now that I see other people have done the same.

I very seriously would avoid time-release fertilizers... big waste of money and no control!


Active Member
That's exactly what happened when I over-fertilized mine.
It died. I think.
but, that was the first plant i ever grew, and i was starting it in my backyard (the soil was very rocky and dry), plus i live in a really shitty climate. it never rains here. :\
now i'm sticking to indoor lmao