Wolf in the Forest


Well-Known Member
I wrote this when I was 15/16 at 3 am... Kind of forgot about it. Don't laugh, please... As you guys know I'm a little canine-minded and I wanted to write something from that sort of perspective. I have a whole freaking novel planned out. This excerpt is about a girl who discovers she's part werewolf sneaking off into the forest to give the wol body a testdrive of sorts where she meets a stranger. Unfortunately she doesn't quite know how things in the wolf world work yet. She'll have to work it out the hard way.

Dirt and deep banks of leaves sank underfoot, the earth being pushed aside as her pads splayed under her weight. The air was dry, but the ground was still damp from the rain, and the musty scents of yesterday still lingered somewhere in between. Arei continued towards the sounds of a gushing stream, front feet cycling first, quickly followed by the other pair. It was a four beat rhythm, a gait that she took on all too naturally; one that felt she'd practiced in human form, with ghost legs behind her. The sight of the sun rising brought a new surge of excitement through her, and the she-wolf broke into lope- three beats this time, and the litter was thrown up from her tread not quite so silently. However at home Arei felt in this body, clearly she had much to learn about the realm it belonged to.

She felt it before she heard it. Low and haunting- like the keys hardly ever used on an organ that only shake the pews and speak in a whisper. Slowly the sound made more sense to her and she could almost feel the rumbling in the chest of whoever loosed it. A howl. The type that very clearly said, 'This is my land'. But Arei hadn't learnt to interpret such signals yet, and continued to press forwards towards the water. It was warm for an early autumn morning, a welcome respite from the last of the summer rain that had drenched the place over the past few days. A tentative dip below the surface proved pleasant enough, and Arei then immersed herself in it. Light played over the ripples and waves she made, and a few salmon were meandering. She snapped at them in half jest. Then, suddenly tired of her game, she returned to the bank and lay down soaking and gnawing on a twig she found floating nearby. Her stomach was calling her; it dawned on her once the adrenalin had worn off, and the twig in her jaws was not going to sate her.

A stone shifted ahead, and an elk started.

In a second, one of Arei's ears cocked towards the sound and she bristled. Fangs and claws regardless, she was still a child and alone in the woods. Alone- supposedly. Then hot, heavy breath settled on the back of her neck and a different kind of rumble went through her. This time, down her spine, and the sound was even lower than before. She whined involuntarily and turned to face him quickly- Arei was more afraid of what she couldn't see more than anything. What stood before her made her shrink right into the ground.

Amber eyes held both her gaze and her breath. 'Who are you.' His voice was grating... guttural. Of course it was, it was wild.

Arei shuffled backwards in an undignified attempt to right herself. Her ears were plastered firmly to the side of her head and her tail married to the ground, giving her fear away fantastically. The wolf before her evidently was quick to anger.

'Why are you on my land.' Why are you not on your back...

The she wolf was making a pathetic attempt at composing herself, 'I, um, I didn't know this was your...'

The male wolf was a great hulking specimen in prime condition, his sable coat interrupted near the saddle with flashes of russet and white, which also was in a great swathe covering his underside. Something more than the morning light caused his eyes to glisten and sparkle. It was a few moments before Arei realized quite what caused her to break off mid sentence- the male's muzzle was pressed close to her, inhaling deeply, meticulously analyzing her scent. His nose wrinkled, and she was unsure whether her odor had offended him.

'You're not from around here are you? Why didn't you howl at the border.' His voice was as flat as unleavened bread and it only unsettled Arei further. As he spoke to her, she became suddenly more aware of her disheveled appearance, wet and muddy-hocked in front of this stranger. Her face burned bright under the merciful veil of her fur.

'I... I just got a little lost, that's all. I didn't notice that this place was yours...'

She began trembling out of a mixture of cold and something she couldn't quite grasp whilst the other wolf continued nosing her, poking his snout everywhere. It was clear that he did not view her as any kind of threat, unabashedly roving over every part of her with no worry that she would even try to so much as snap at him.

And she didn't.

'Curious' was not the word to describe this male. He was downright confused.


Active Member
One second Im hoping she gets something to eat. Next second Im hoping "shit, I hope she doesnt get eaten." I liked the way you described the different gaits. Not with motion as such but with sound. I think altogether quite clever. Im sorry I cant offer rep for this. My mobile feed doesnt give me that option and its all I have to use currently. Thanx for sharing.


Well-Known Member
One second Im hoping she gets something to eat. Next second Im hoping "shit, I hope she doesnt get eaten." I liked the way you described the different gaits. Not with motion as such but with sound. I think altogether quite clever. Im sorry I cant offer rep for this. My mobile feed doesnt give me that option and its all I have to use currently. Thanx for sharing.
I really appreciate it, thankyou. I have a draft written for her first attempt at hunting, which you can imagine won't quite go too routinely. If I get the time I will flesh it out and post.

I'm a musician and wolf-minded myself, so it helps alot. When i get into character to write, it's just like letting more of myself come to the surface.

Thanks again for your input x