Wonder, NL Auto, Bubblcious, White Widow--Hydro--1000 watts


Active Member
Plants are still looking really droopy. I picked up the pots today to look at the roots and noticed they are turning brown. They were a very nice pearly white. What the hell is going on???



Rebel From The North
Plants are still looking really droopy. I picked up the pots today to look at the roots and noticed they are turning brown. They were a very nice pearly white. What the hell is going on???

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thats the same slime I got your PH will wack out next! you need to start using 29% H202 asap for 55gals use 200ML every 3 days. or 7 to 10ML per
gal. you need to start it soon this issue will not go away and will kill your shit.


Active Member
thats the same slime I got your PH will wack out next! you need to start using 29% H202 asap for 55gals use 200ML every 3 days. or 7 to 10ML per
gal. you need to start it soon this issue will not go away and will kill your shit.
Dude. I am using the H2O2 at 7ml per gallon. I turned the res off last night so it wouldnt flood last night or today and they look a little better today so maybe it was overwatering them??? idk. These dam plants are stressing me out.


Rebel From The North
up your H202 to 10ML per gal
and are you adding every three days?
at the bootom of your bucket is there water left behind after a flood?
if so I think you got the old style buckets and you need to raise them
2in. like thisIMG_0295.jpg


Active Member
Thanks Hellraizer. I added H2O2 on Monday and added the 1/2 strentgh nutes. The res has been off since yesterday so they have missed 3 waterings now. They are starting to look better. I did notice the back buckets were having problems with water left behind a while ago and put a 2X4 under the back buckets and that seemed to stop that problem. I did have a problem about a week ago with water left behind...The pump fell off the side of the wall in the res so it didnt drain the water out of the pots. I felt the roots today and the roots dont feel slimy at all. They felt dry. So do you think the nutes could have stained the roots and that is what is causing them to brown?


Rebel From The North
hydrotron will stain then alittle, but that looked like slime, if there perking back up
maybe drop down to 15min. floods 3 times a day. monday is over three days ago
to make using H202 useful to you, you need to add every three days.


Active Member
Ya idk... I turned my res back on last night for 1 watering for 15 mins and when I checked on them this morning they look like hell again. Checked the roots again and they dont feel slimy at all. They were starting to grow up the side of the pot. They feel damp but not slimy and some of the roots are brown and some are white. Im bout to just rip everything out and start over... gggrrrrrr


Rebel From The North
so you cut back to 1 feeding 15min. in over 24hr and when you did it! they started to going south again. have you tryed dumping the res?
also try checking the PH in the run off just to elliminate that.


Active Member
Ph is 5.9. I showed it to the guy at the dispensery and he said he dont think it is overwatering. The guy said he dont even think they look too bad and that I am over reacting. He said he thinks it is still recovering from the problems with the ph and nutes... idk what to think. He is running the same setup at the dispensery with a boatload of pots. He said they got up to feeding 8 times a day for 15 mins. I turned my res back on and just set it for 3 times a day at 15 mins each. I also trimmed some of the bottom leaves that were dead from the ph/nute mess. Just trimming them made them look better.


Rebel From The North
to be truthful they dont look that bad! so just let it ride and see what happens. they do look alittle droopy
from your last pics but my first run with this system was way worse than your. so no worries +rep for not
pulling them up :)


Active Member
Thanks! I wish I could send you more reps but it wont let me. lol I just get so frustrated because it seems like everytime they start growing good something goes wrong and they go bad again. I think its like starting up a fish tank. lol When I started up my fish tanks it was a mess and the water was cloudy and I killed the fish and it was one prob after another. The 2nd go around good and now its just always good. Im hoping this is the deal with the plants. A mess the first go around and then next time they will do good. Hoping anyways. lol I will be post some more pics in a little bit.


Active Member
So I added some more H2O2 and turned the res back on today. It is set for 15 mins 3 times a day. The plants have now had one feeding and at the moment they are starting to look better. I topped one of the bubbleicious today. I also trimmed up some of the dead leaves today.

Results today:
Res temp- 61

DSCN0581.jpgLook at all the leaves in the middle :)
DSCN0582.jpgStill a little droopy
DSCN0579.jpgThis is a bubbleicious that I topped today.
DSCN0583.jpgThis is one that needed some trimming.


Rebel From The North
this is my thoughts on your pics. 1 i think from the pics you need more nitrogen 2 you may need to raise your light 1000 might be stressing then.
other than that your cool. you can foiler feed some mag/nitrogen. what is your brand of nutes?

K from a closer look at your pics theres a pic where you drilled a hole through the wall, and the water lines are
running over the 2x4 thats got the drain back raised almost 2in and leaving a bunch of water in the lines and the
bucket. that stagnet water and isnt good. to remidy this just raise your buckets up the same as the holes and
raise the water lines up to. and leave the control box where it is. this will cause the water to drain back trust
me it will help.

as 1

hey need abit of advice plz the bedroom light was left on during sleep tym last week of flowering will they be ok ?

as 1

bedroom light was left on during sleep tym wat will happen to the plants last week of flowerin will they be ok


Active Member
this is my thoughts on your pics. 1 i think from the pics you need more nitrogen 2 you may need to raise your light 1000 might be stressing then.
other than that your cool. you can foiler feed some mag/nitrogen. what is your brand of nutes?

K from a closer look at your pics theres a pic where you drilled a hole through the wall, and the water lines are
running over the 2x4 thats got the drain back raised almost 2in and leaving a bunch of water in the lines and the
bucket. that stagnet water and isnt good. to remidy this just raise your buckets up the same as the holes and
raise the water lines up to. and leave the control box where it is. this will cause the water to drain back trust
me it will help.

I am using Technaflora nutes and have been foiler feeding them once a week with the B-Alive Green. I have been thinking about building a platform for the plants to sit on so it is raised up. hmmm Maybe I will go work on this... lol


Rebel From The North
I think correcting that drainage issue is a good start toward posably solving the droopy issues and the brown roots


Active Member
Well I made a platform for the plants and put 2X4s under the hose 4-3-11. The plants look a lot better, not really droopy at all now. I measured them today and they range from 5in tall to 10in tall. When is a good time to start flower?