Wonder Woman Germination. How Do I Start in Aero?


Well-Known Member
Im about to start germinating my seeds from nirvana. Wonder woman. I have an aeroponic system, i bought off line and used it a little for early growth in my last grow. What should i use to grow them all the way through in an aeroponic system. What i mean is basicly what do i do after they crack open. How to i get them to be stable? do i use rockwool? rapid rooter plugs? let me know a good opinion would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply but didnt help me a whole lot. I do want to grow fully aero, if its possible, which in my opinion is without a medium right? no rock wool? or rapid rooter plugs? but on a side note, anyone else try hydro or aero grow on wonder woman yet?


Well-Known Member
I tried rockwool, the sprayers keep it soaked and it never dries out. If you can get the dam thing to surive then later the rockwool can clog the jets. No if anything use rapid rooter cubes. They stay wet yea but not as bad as rockwool and trust me when I say they do not break down and clog the sprayers.
There is a new product I have heard of but havent tried. I think its called sure to grow or something like that. That will fin in a 2 in pot.

I am assuming you have 2 in net pots. If you have larger ones then use a layer of hydroton around the rooter cube works great.


Well-Known Member
my first grow i used rapid rooter plugs, and they really dont break off, i was using a dwc most of the time. And i really liked them, i figure ill use them on this grow. Thanks for your input, will up your rep, would like to know if anyone has grown wonder woman in a aero system as of yet and if you had a good yeild?
rockwool is good. i use general hydroponics series, 1/4 strength for the first 3 weeks. o i'm about 3 days from harvesting my ww. it's been 10 weeks Wednesday:joint:
251.jpg:joint: hey there,hope to harvest soon. been checking my tricones everyday it's been 10 weeks flowering. still no amber yet? anyone know how long they can go? they smell so good:hump:253.jpg