Wondering id I should Harvest my CFL GROW?


Well-Known Member
LOL well tell us some details!
How long have they been flowering? How long did you veg for? Whats the wattage of thos cfl's? What size were they when you switched light cycles? How tall are they now? Are the hairs 70% brown/red? PICTURES!?

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
My opinion: wait 2-4 more days. I see you have some red hairs, maybe 40-50%. Wait til over 75% are red and you're good to go.


Well-Known Member
It still needs about 2 weeks if u ask me.. Hardly any of the hairs are brown, Give it 2 weeks and thee buds will swell dramatically.


Well-Known Member
I figured another 2 Weeks its a sativa its been flowering for 8 weeks going in to ninth, this entire grow is less than 4 months old If you check out the journal you will see I started it from seed the 25th of October 08 and this is what i have first week of Jan 09, I am very impressed with CFL Growing in small places.


Well-Known Member
Oh by the way i just added some pictures I took today the pictures you guys are looking at are from last week!!!!!! Sorry for the confusion.